miércoles, 29 de junio de 2011

Ball Position For Different Clubs

Ball Position For Different Clubs

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Ball position is a critical component that's often overlooked by players with high golf handicaps. Ball position decides a shot's initial direction. While theories on ball position abound, you need to find one that's right for you.

Ball position affects a clubhead's swing path, as I explain in my golf lessons. If the ball is too far back, the clubhead moves on an in-to-out swing path at impact, sending the ball to the target's right. If the ball is too far forward, the cl...



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Ball position is a critical component that's often overlooked by players with high golf handicaps. Ball position decides a shot's initial direction. While theories on ball position abound, you need to find one that's right for you.

Ball position affects a clubhead's swing path, as I explain in my golf lessons. If the ball is too far back, the clubhead moves on an in-to-out swing path at impact, sending the ball to the target's right. If the ball is too far forward, the clubhead moves on an out-to-in swing path at impact, sending the ball to the target's left.

Correctly positioning the ball increases the clubhead's chances of meeting the ball at the correct angle of attack and on the right target path. It also helps eliminate a fade or hook, along with other swing adjustments.

Most teaching pros subscribe to the standard ball position theory as do most players and most professional golfers. This theory advocates changing the ball's position depending on the club used. If you've taken golf lessons or read my golf tips, you're probably familiar with this theory.

For example, the ideal ball position for the driver is just inside the heel of your front foot. Placing the ball there ensures that the clubhead makes impact just beyond the swing's lowest point, with an upward, sweeping motion of the club—the perfect swing for the being used.

The ideal position for long irons, on the other hand, is slightly back from the driver's position. The ideal position for mid-irons is one or two balls back from this position. And the ideal position for short irons is in the middle of your stance.

These positions place the ball at the lowest point in your swing, given the length of the club used and the type of swing taken. In addition, placing the ball at these positions enable the golfer to make clean contact with a crisp descending blow—the key to hitting iron shots well.

Much golf instruction is built around the standard theory. But not every teaching pro advocates it. David Leadbetter, who's taught numerous pro golfers, like Nick Price, and written several books, offers another approach. It's one he stresses in his golf instruction books. Like the standard theory, it makes sense.

Leadbetter suggests that players with lower golf handicaps position the ball (1) just inside the left heel for woods and (2) two balls back for irons. For players with high golf handicaps, he suggests positioning the ball (1) in the middle of their stances for irons and (2) a ball or two forward from that position for woods.

His reasoning is logical. Players with low golf handicaps use their lower bodies more aggressively than players with high handicaps. Players with low golf handicaps are capable of taking advantage of a forward ball position. Players with high handicaps are not.

Golf legend Jack Nicklaus also offers a ball position theory, which he explains in his golf instruction books. It, too, make sense.

Nicklaus advocates a constant ball position, regardless of the club used. He believes that the ball opposite the left heel is the only spot where the club ever travels parallel to the target line. Any other position towards the back foot means the ball is struck too early in the downswing.

Instead of re-positioning the ball, Nicholas favors changing your stance, depending on the club. Open your stance for the shorter irons, and pull the right foot back, to make the stance wider and squarer, as the club's shaft length increases. Winner of 18 majors, Nicholas has a theory that seems to work for him at least.

Another consideration with ball position is tee height. I tell players taking my golf lessons that the ball's equator should be even with the top of the driver when the ball is on the tee. Placing the ball higher enables the player to hit the ball on the upward arc of his/her swing. Players with oversize clubheads, then, need longer tees to reach the right height.

A third consideration with ball position is weather. If it's windy, tee the ball higher if you're hitting with the wind to generate loft. The added loft enables the wind can carry the ball farther. Tee the ball lower if you're hitting against the wind to produce a low shot, like a line drive in baseball. This type of shot cuts through the wind and rolls farther than a shot with loft.

Regardless of which theory it is, find one that's right for you, just like Jack Nicklaus did. Test each theory out while on the practice range and under game conditions. Work on it until you find the ball position that's right for you. Then, use it every time you play.


Balance and Your Golf Game

Balance and Your Golf Game

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Maintaining your balance throughout your swing can make a tremendous improvement in your golf game.



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Golf professionals all have different opinions on improving your golf game, but most agree on one thing. Unless you keep your balance during the entire swing, you simply cannot have a good stroke. Keeping your balance should be easy right? If you are so tense that you're crushing your club, tensing your entire body and trying to hit the ball to hard, it's nearly impossible.

As a beginner playing golf, you're told quite often to not hit the ball to hard. Staying focused and hitting the ball with the center of the club will give you a longer shot that a swing that doesn't hit at the club's center, no matter how hard. Establishing your balance frees you to hit the ball correctly.

Keeping your head still will allow you focus on the ball. With your eyes on the ball, this creates a foundation for keeping you balanced. It is imperative that you keep your head perfectly still and ensure it doesn't move during your swing. Movements or distractions that disrupt your balance mean you lose focus on the ball.

Keeping your body relaxed is the key. Relaxing your muscles and body will prevent your head from moving during the swing.

Use a mirror to watch yourself. This allows you to quickly realize that you need to relax in order to keep your head still while you swing. Since your build and movements are not the same as mine, you'll have to work out some of the details on your own. Work the most on keeping your head in the same position from start to finish through your swing. Doing this will let you focus on the ball and you will turn your hands at the right time.

If you can master keeping your head completely still, you'll see several problems disappear altogether. Eventually, you will grip your club correctly every time, keeping your balance and keeping your head still, without even thinking.

A correctly formed follow through will also mean that you can keep your balance.

Concentrating on your balance, and keeping your head still will prevent you from swinging to hard or pulling your club away. The amount of strength you put into your swing will be just right, and you'll stay relaxed and finish successfully with a smooth swing.

Enjoying a great game of golf requires keeping your balance. This isn't a quick fix, it'll take time but you should start seeing improvement quickly, but be patient. Focus on maintaining your balance, and your head in one position, and in almost no time at all you will be enjoying such an improvement your friends will be asking for your secrets.


lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

Back Exercise And Golf Are Synonymous

Back Exercise And Golf Are Synonymous

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Back exercise and golf. Doesn't that sound like a common denominator? Of all the injuries in golf, the low back is by far the highest one.  To explain why doing back exercise for golf is important, a golfer needs to understand why.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Back exercise and golf. Doesn't that sound like a common denominator? Of all the injuries in golf, the low back is by far the highest one.

To explain why doing back exercise for golf is important, a golfer needs to understand why.

The golf swing is one of the most (if not the most) stressful movements on the lower back. Picture this. You're in a static position at the start; then you try to rotate your upper body as far as you can go, while keeping the lower body as stable as you can.

This movement all by itself puts tremendous stress on the lower back. If you have a lower level of rotational flexibility, you are at HIGH RISK for low back injuries. You many have one as we speak.

Now picture having the strength to 'uncoil' that backswing, maintaining your golf posture at between 80-100 mph. If you have not participated in a back exercise for golf, you will not be able to generate any power at impact, therefore your driving distance is inadequate.

Does this sound familiar?

It should. I see this all the time on the golf course. Especially with the senior golfers. They have physically declined over the years and have not done any back exercise for golf and can't generate and clubhead speed.

There is hope!

To remove the threat of low back injury and improve your ability to turn back and turn through with power, you just need to do a couple of simple back exercises for golf.

One example of a back exercise for golf that you should be doing several times a day is what I call the Lying Leg Crossover, which is incorporated in all my products.

Here's what you do:

Lie on your back with your legs extended.
Raise one leg and bend at the knee to 90 degrees and the hip to 90 degrees.
Cross that leg over extended leg, while opposite shoulder stays on ground.
Go until slight pull in butt and lower back.
Hold and repeat once more.
Switch legs and do opposite side.
This is a very simple back exercise for golf and no equipment is required.

Just do this back exercise for golf religiously and you'll see a HUGE improvement!


Avoiding the Golf Traps

Avoiding the Golf Traps

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It's every golfer's worst-case scenario – You're golfing great, you've got a perfect swing, the perfect stance, and you were able to get rid of that slice that's been on your back. NO matter how well everything goes, even the best golfer can find himself (or herself) occasionally stuck in a sand trap, stuck in the grass or trapped behind a giant tree on the golf course.

golf,golf tips,golf clubs

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It's every golfer's worst-case scenario – You're golfing great, you've got a perfect swing, the perfect stance, and you were able to get rid of that slice that's been on your back. NO matter how well everything goes, even the best golfer can find himself (or herself) occasionally stuck in a sand trap, stuck in the grass or trapped behind a giant tree on the golf course. Unfortunately, the traps are what make the game interesting.  Without them, the game would probably become boring for even the most devoted golfer. Obstructions help to make golf a more interesting and challenging game, and you'll learn to appreciate the traps when you find the best ways to get out of them.

The odds that your golf ball will roll to a stop right behind a tree are slim, but it does happen. There are ways out of this situation. You could chop down the tree, or drill a hole in the tree large enough to hit your ball through, but that's probably not going to make the maintenance crew of the golf course very happy.

A lot of golfers just sacrifice one putt so that they can place the golf ball in a more favorable position. How well this works depends on your ability as a golfer, and what you're willing to risk on one play. If there is another tree close by, you can try a ricochet shot, but it's not very reliable. You can't judge where the ball will go once it hits the rough bark of the tree.

A good solution is to practice a curve ball before you get into this situation, so that you'll know what to do when the time comes.

Sand is a whole other problem completely on the golf course. Many golfers opt for the "whack and see" technique. To do this, pull a sand wedge from your golf bag, hit the general vicinity of the ball, then watch the sand to see if your golf ball takes flight as well.

Consistency is the crucial to your golfing game on the whole, and getting out of a sand trap is not exclusive to this. It is hard to control a golf ball in the sand.  Golf balls don't really roll in sand and difficult to control a putt from a sand trap. In addition, you are probably going to be dealing with an upward slope of the trap before you're out on the course again.  Therefore, the only really dependable way to get out of a sand trap is to use the wedge and try to get enough lift on the ball to clear the sand.

Make sure that you choose your wedge cautiously. Keep in mind that you want enough lift to clear the sand.  However, less lift is usually easier to manage.

No matter what obstacle you're facing on the golf course, having good control of the ball, choosing the right club for the job, and setting up your shot just right are the ways that you will be able to get out of those sticky situations on the golf course.


sábado, 25 de junio de 2011

Avoiding "Golf Overload" - Your Guide To Finding The Right Golf Instruction Tutorials

Avoiding "Golf Overload" - Your Guide To Finding The Right Golf Instruction Tutorials

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I'm sure you've been made familiar with the popular golf aids & tutorials that you've seen in the pro shops, online at bookstores like Amazon and on specialty sites all over the web. You might even be suffering from golf overload! While your first inclination might be to give that new product a try,

golf instruction, golf aid, golf, beginning golf

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I'm sure you've been made familiar with the popular golf instruction aids & tutorials that you've seen in the pro shops, online at bookstores like Amazon and on specialty sites all over the web. You might even be suffering from golf overload! While your first inclination might be to give that new product a try, you need to keep certain things in mind before making an impulse purchase.

First of all, let's keep something in mind. My goal here isn't to bring you down to earth or to try and stifle your dream of playing exceptional golf. However, the odds of a certain golf instruction program suddenly transforming your game from part-time amateur to a full-time golf virtuoso is somewhere between slim and none.

There are many programs and aids available that can help you improve your game in one form or another, but nothing is a substitute for good old-fashioned practice, whether that be on the course, at the driving range, or simply in your backyard. Anywhere where you can be free to make mistakes and learn from them is a good place to practice, and eventually, your game will thank you for it.

I would liken it to learning to play a musical instrument. If you've ever learned how to play piano, guitar, violin or another instrument, you'd know that even though you might have had a stellar teacher, failure to practice on a consistent basis means the lessons you're being taught will be completely meaningless. The same can be said for golf instruction. You can spend hundreds of dollars on professional golf instruction or $47 for an e-book and DVD set, but without the proper amount of practice, you will not improve your game. Period. That said, here are some things to look at when researching the latest golf instruction products & tutorials:

1. What ails your game the most?

What is it about your game that you think is the most lacking? I'm sure you can think of one thing you're consistently doing wrong on the course, whether it be slicing the golf ball, or not getting enough power on your drives, etc. Jot down one or two of these problems that you'd like solved and look for specific products to help those elements of your game the most. And since many problems in golf tend to stem from one underlying issue, odds are you will correct a number of parts to your game just by implementing a strategy or unlearning a bad habit that you might have unknowingly picked up on.

2. What credentials does the author/manufacturer have?

Does the author of that book teach amateur golfers on a regular basis? How have his students done? Do a Google search for his or her name and try to track down some of the individuals that they've tutored. People are always willing to give out reviews & opinions, and the golf world is no different. If the instructor has experience or connections with some of the PGA professionals or has a successful track record teaching amateurs, then its likely that you've found someone you can trust.

3. If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

If their product is worth checking out, the author or instructor will always be readily available to answer any questions you might have about the product before you make a purchase. Never hesitate asking questions directly to the source up front before making your decision.

Taking the time to thoroughly research the web before purchasing a golf instruction tutorial or aid will save yourself a great deal of frustration and should help your golf game moving back in the right direction.


As Players We NEED To Understand That We MUST Control The Three Parts Of The Golf

As Players We NEED To Understand That We MUST  Control The Three Parts Of The Golf Club In Order To Strike Quality Golf Shots.

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These three parts MUST be controlled through three Stations - from Address, to the
Top, and to the Finish. You'll notice that Impact is NOT included in these locations.

golf, golf instruction. golf schools, education, training, chuck evans

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What Controls These Three Parts?

As players we NEED to understand that we MUST control the three parts of the golf club in order to strike quality golf shots. These three parts are:

1. The clubface

2. The clubhead

3. The clubshaft

These three parts MUST be controlled through three Stations - from Address, to the Top, and to the Finish. You'll notice that Impact is NOT included in these locations.

Impact does not have the rank of a station simply because it happens if you have controlled the club through the three Stations.

1. The left hand controls the clubface and its job is to impart "Hinge Action" to the face supplying direction, trajectory, and curvature. These three "Hinge Actions" are known as (1)Vertical - a wall, (2) Horizontal - a floor, and (3)Angled - somewhere in between.

In a Geometrically correct golf stroke (ideal application) the Horizontal Hinge Action is used. This action works just like a door that is opening and closing. While on a Horizontal Plane it is clear to see that there is NO turning or rolling in either direction. But on an Inclined Plane of motion there is a turn to the right and a roll to the left.

2. The right hand - more specifically the first joint of the right index finger - controls the clubhead, its job is to sense where the clubhead is at all times and to direct the action of the clubhead. Using what is known as the "Aiming Point Concept" the direction and point of location in the downstroke varies according to hand speed, and the club being used. The shorter the club the more in front of the golf ball the "Aiming Point" is.

For example, when hitting a greenside bunker shot the player should be looking at a spot behind the golf ball. This is because that's where we want the club to strike the sand.

The same principle applies here. A wedge for example would be in front of the ball. A 5 iron would be at the ball, and a Driver may be behind the ball.

3. Finally, the clubshaft controls the Plane. The Plane is the angle that the club moves back and down on. It can stay on the same Inclined Plane back and down, shift to another angle, or even have several shifts during the stroke. The simplest is to NOT shift at all. The next easiest is to only shift this plane angle once, then two shifts, then three shifts, etc. Annika Sorenstam, Tiger (when he's on), Adam Scott, Michelle Wie, and host of others use either a "single" shift in their procedures. Nick Price, Nick Faldo and others use a "double" shift while Jim Furyk uses a "customized" plane and multiple shifts.

You can use any of these and obviously play great golf, but remember - ANY PLANE SHIFT IS DANGEROUS!

Learn to control these three parts of the golf club and you will be on your way to golfing "Nirvana".


viernes, 24 de junio de 2011

Are You Ready for High Tech Golf

Are You Ready for High Tech Golf

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It was only a matter of time before golf and technology merged, and that time is now. From computer gadgets to software, you'll find that there are some very interesting technological advances aimed at golfers.

golf, golf tips, gold lessons

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It was only a matter of time before golf and technology merged, and that time is now. From computer gadgets to software, you'll find that there are some very interesting technological advances aimed at golfers.

Scorekeeping is one place where software has really come into play. Keeping score on a single game of golf isn't that difficult, but tracking a series of games and establishing a handicap for tournament play has traditionally been serious business. There are several types of scorekeeping software for golf players and some are even recognized by certain tournament officials to establish eligibility to play.

The options include online sites that are very simple to use. The golfer enters his or her information online and the program does all the calculations. Some golf organizations include the use of this type of program as a benefit of membership.

Evaluating a player's swing has always been the bane of golf professionals and instructors. Where exactly is the player going wrong? And how can it be corrected? There are a couple of major programs for swing analysis available. Typically, a movie is taken of the golfer while he executes a typical swing. Then the computer software overlays an image of a perfect swing, giving the golfer and the instructor a frame-by-frame analysis. Not only is the golf swing slowed down for a critical look, but it's easy to pinpoint any problems.

Practice is another area improved by technology. Those who want to practice their golf games often have very limited options. They can go to a driving range or golf course to get in real practice, or they can practice putting in limited space. But the golfer who lives in a crowded neighborhood can now use one of several golf aids to practice swings right in the backyard.

In this case, the answer doesn't have to be high-tech, though there are some really great technical options. Some golfers use a net to catch the ball a few feet past the swing, though this does at least slightly limit the benefits of practice because there's no way for the golfer to tell whether it would have been an excellent shot. Some of the high-tech golf aids allow you to see how far the ball would have traveled and the exact path it would have taken.

There will probably never be a time when computerized golf takes the place of 18 holes on your favorite golf course, but there's no doubt that technology has an important role in golf today.


Are You Looking for a Free Golf Swing Lesson?

Are You Looking for a Free Golf Swing Lesson?

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A free golf swing lesson seems a little too good to be true. But there are actually a variety of websites available that offer free videos to help you improve your swing...

free golf swing lesson, improve your golf swing, perfect golf swing, golf swing tip, sports, golfers, PGA, golf swing plane, clubs, golf swing training, technique

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A free golf swing lesson seems a little too good to be true. But there are actually a variety of websites available that offer free videos to help you improve your swing.  Golfing is a fun sport that people of all ages enjoy. Children as young as three and four years old are playing as well as older adults that are well into their 80's.

The Clubs

Having the right clubs can lead to a big improvement in your game. If you are playing with a club that is too small or too large, it will be difficult for you to get the correct angle on the ball. So the first step to being a golf sports star is to buy some clubs that fit you. You don't need to buy a set of PGA professional clubs or even some expensive name brand. Just look for a set of decent quality clubs to get you started.

The Swings

Golfers are constantly struggling on improving their swing. But it is difficult to see what needs improvement while you are swinging the golf club. A good way to take a look at your golf swing plane is to tape your swing and your stance.

You could have a friend tape you making a couple different types of shots. Then later you can go back and watch yourself and your swing. Usually you will be able to clearly see areas that you can improve. You might not be swinging a complete swing or maybe you tend to look up before you have hit the ball. The video camera is a great learning tool for beginning golfers as well as more advanced golfers.


After you have watched your golf video, you can watch some free swing videos online. While watching the professional golf swings, you will probably notice even more areas that you would like to improve. Watching the professionals swing their clubs is a great way to see how you should be doing it.

You can write down the areas where you feel you can improve your golf swing. Then work on those noted areas the next couple times that you go golfing. When you feel like you have adjusted to the areas that you wanted to fix, then take the video camera out again.

When you video tape yourself this time, make sure and get all varieties of swings so you can see what your driving, chipping, and putting all look like. You may be surprised the first time you watch the video because you will see plenty of areas that will need improvement.

Don't let that get you down. Improving your golf game is an ongoing process that requires a lifetime of dedication. You will not be a professional after one afternoon of video watching or even one year of trying to improve your game. Golf is just one of those sports that takes a lot of time to develop your game. So enjoy yourself and play some golf, every time you play you will be working on a better game.


miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Are Those The Right Golf Clubs For You?

Are Those The Right Golf Clubs For You?

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What kind of golf clubs are you playing with these days? Are they the golf clubs that you should have chosen? Really? Do you even know? There are many different kinds of golf clubs out there and if you did not check them all out before you made your final decision you have no way of knowing if you choose correctly.

Purchasing golf clubs is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing that you will ever have to do when it comes to playing golf. Your gol...

golf, golfing, golf cars, sport, recreation

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What kind of golf clubs are you playing with these days? Are they the golf clubs that you should have chosen? Really? Do you even know? There are many different kinds of golf clubs out there and if you did not check them all out before you made your final decision you have no way of knowing if you choose correctly.

Purchasing golf clubs is one of the most important things, if not the most important thing that you will ever have to do when it comes to playing golf. Your golf game is going to depend on the golf clubs that you choose to play with. Your swing is everything to your game and without the right golf clubs you will not be able to swing the right way.

When choosing the right golf clubs you need to take a good long look at the shaft. The flexibility of the shaft of any golf club is going to tell you a lot about the club. Not everyone is comfortable with the same amount of flexibility and you need to find the golf clubs that you are the most comfortable with. Try out many different flexibility levels to see what suits you the best. The golf stores will let you do this. Even if you plan to buy them for less online you can still visit a golf store to see how the golf clubs feel in your hands. I recommend everyone do this before they commit to any particular golf clubs.

While you are in the golf store get your swing measured. This will also help you to find the best possible golf clubs for your golf game.

Different golf clubs have different lengths and not all lengths suit all golfers. You need to check out the different lengths to see which will suit your body and your game the best. In most cases a standard length is the way to go but short people and tall people will need a different length when it comes to their golf clubs. You do not want to have to bend in order to hit the ball, the length of your golf clubs is another essential aspect to a good golf game.

You will also want to take into consideration your handicap in golf. This too will have a bearing on the golf clubs that you should be choosing the next time you are in the market for new clubs.

Your ability in golf will have a direct bearing on your choice of golf clubs as well. There are golf clubs that are made for those just beginning to play golf and golf clubs made for pros. If you are just starting to play the game and you are not even sure that you are going to like it yet then you do not want to go out and spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars on your golf clubs do you? That would be crazy. What if you end up hating it? It is a far better idea to start out in a more affordable price range with your first golf clubs.


Anyone for Tee?

Anyone for Tee?

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Even though golf is quite a simple game, there is no shortage of variations on the concept and different ways to play.

golf, tee,caddy

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Even though golf is quite a simple game, there is no shortage of variations on the concept and different ways to play.

The basic golf game is generally referred to as stroke play – tournaments work using the stroke system, and it is the most widely-played version of the game. In this game, for every shot you make under or over the par of each hole, you have one point either subtracted from or added to your score. For example, if hole 1 is a par 4 and you take five shots, then your score is +1. If you then move on to hole 2, a par 5, and take 3 shots, scoring an eagle, your new score is –1 – that's one minus two. This means that you're aiming to end up with a score far into the minus numbers, with the lowest score winning.

Stroke play is heavy on maths and low on excitement, however, because it was designed for a large number of golfers playing at the same time. If you are just playing head-to-head against a few friends, it is far more interesting to play for skins. With skins, the person with the lowest score on each hole wins the hole, and the person who wins the most holes wins the match. Skins is often played for money, with players paying a certain amount to enter the game and a share of the prize money being awarded to the winner of each hole.

For children, there are two alternative rule sets: pitch and putt and crazy golf. Pitch and putt is the more serious of the two, resembling a much smaller version of a normal golf course where the player only needs to take one shot onto the green and then putt the ball into the hole. In crazy golf, however, the green is the whole course, and each hole is littered with strange obstacles, often based around a theme. While the game is fun for a family on holiday, it's not going to turn your kids into pro golfers any time soon – although it might inspire them to take up real golf.


martes, 21 de junio de 2011

An Effective Golf Swing Exercise

An Effective Golf Swing Exercise

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There are many types of effective golf swing exercises. Golf swing exercise is very important because the golf swing is at the very heart of the golf game. It is actually impossible to play a good game of golf without being able to execute an effective golf swing.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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There are many types of effective golf swing exercises. Golf swing exercise is very important because the golf swing is at the very heart of the golf game. It is actually impossible to play a good game of golf without being able to execute an effective golf swing.

The other reason why golf swing exercise is so important is in the fact that a golf swing by its' very nature is a very unnatural and awkward movement of the body and muscles. It therefore stands to reason that the body will usually resist the golf swing action and this is why it appears to be so difficult to master.

However when you use golf swing exercises to strengthen and condition the relevant muscles, the golf swing becomes less awkward to the body.

Let us now take a closer look at the movements involved in a golf swing so that we come up with the most effective golf swing exercise that will impact most dramatically on the quality of your game.

The golf swing is actually a turn back and turn through. Most of the movement is pure rotation. This means doing golf swing exercises like a seated twist holding a dumbbell straight out in front of you is a very effective exercise in strengthening and conditioning the muscles used in the golf swing.

Be careful not to use very heavy weights in this golf swing exercise. 3-5 pound dumb bells are ideal. Remember that a golf club is not heavy; in fact it weights less than a pound.

Repeat this golf swing exercise as many times as you can within a 30-minute session without straining yourself. Do remember to warm up before you begin the session and also to warm down when you are through.

Warming up ensures that you do not start with your muscles cold. Stretches involving the muscles that you are going to use can also be extremely useful before you go into this golf swing exercise.


All For The Love Of Golf

All For The Love Of Golf

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Golf is supposed to be an enjoyable game. We golf over and over again, because we love the game. So why do we beat ourselves up, just before we get off the first tee box? Have you ever heard yourself with a bunch of negative emotions before the golf round?

"Another day out on the golf course and my back is killing me." Why would you even consider golfing, if it were painful? Why did those even consider golfing with a bad back? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

all for the love of golf,love of golf,golf,

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Golf is supposed to be an enjoyable game. We golf over and over again, because we love the game. So why do we beat ourselves up, just before we get off the first tee box? Have you ever heard yourself with a bunch of negative emotions before the golf round?

"Another day out on the golf course and my back is killing me." Why would you even consider golfing, if it were painful? Why did those even consider golfing with a bad back? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"I have to get through this eighteen with the least amount of pain." Why not play nine holes instead of eighteen? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"I am not too sure if the mental part of my game can take any more. It's tough mentally when things just aren't going right." If your confused mentally, why even bother picking up a golf club? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"I hope this is not going to be another brutal round, like the other day?" When things are not going right, why not take a day off from golf and meditate instead? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"If I do not hit the fairway on the first tee box, I think I'll quit playing golf after eighteen." Why quit after eighteen when the first shot may be the reason to quit? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"If I do not make par on the first hole, I am not going to keep score for the rest of the round." If your temper is that bad, why carry a scorecard at all? I'll tell you why. All for the love of golf!

"The first water hazard my ball ends up in, my golf clubs are going in with it." Do yourself a favor and play with rentals. Why? All for the love of golf!

"I better not three putt any greens today. I'll break my putter on the first three putt green, if I do." Do yourself a favor and pick up for two. Why? All for the love of golf!

"Frosty will never see winter, if I get a snowman today." Do not play golf with anybody by the nickname Frosty. Why? All for the love of golf!

To help avoid some of these negative emotions, booking a tee time in advance will help keep your mind on a positive level. Why? All for the love of golf!


domingo, 19 de junio de 2011

All About Golf

All About Golf

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Sunny laid back Sunday morning, extended weekends or a vacation, discussion on none of these is complete without a mention of golf. What exactly is Golf? Well it is an outdoor ball game wherein the aim is to hit the ball into a series of holes in the minimum possible strokes. A round of golf consists of 18 holes. Now the number of strokes you need to hit one hole is your Par. Each hole has a teeing area around it, which includes a fairway, a rough sideway and a green well-mow...

golf,sports,golf clubs,clubs

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Sunny laid back Sunday morning, extended weekends or a vacation, discussion on none of these is complete without a mention of golf. What exactly is Golf? Well it is an outdoor ball game wherein the aim is to hit the ball into a series of holes in the minimum possible strokes. A round of golf consists of 18 holes. Now the number of strokes you need to hit one hole is your Par. Each hole has a teeing area around it, which includes a fairway, a rough sideway and a green well-mown area around the hole. Then there are the "not so wanted" barriers like sand traps, water etc that are called the bunkers.

It is believed to have originated from an ancient game called chole, supposedly meaning, "ball". Most of the people believe that Scotland is where Golf was born, probably out of a banned 15th century game called 'gowf'. However many folklore relate it as an acronym for Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden. The modern Golf came into being again in Scotland in the later half of the 19th century. Later on over the 20th century golf saw a facelift with a variety of golf equipments and techniques being invented.

Golf has woven itself in the social fabric as the game of the elite and high-end businessmen. Would you believe if we tell you that many US business school add golf to their management curriculum? It is a game of social status. After all one has to shell out huge sums on latest equipment, the right clothing and the green fees of the golf course. This has still kept golf away from the reach of common man. Nevertheless, the massive popularity of the game can be judged by the very fact that there are over 32,000 golf courses in the world!

Players move around the golf course with their caddies who manage the equipments of the players. The player whose ball is farthest from the hole gets a chance to play first when each individual player has had his chance of playing the ball once. The game is won by the person or the team that scores the maximum holes. It can be played by teams in foursome or by individuals. A very interesting term taking rounds in the golfing community is "Golf handicap." This is the score of proficiency of different players, which affect their net score, thus allowing players of different capacities to play against each other.

People say golf is not played by rules but by etiquettes. However, there are a few laid down rules. The most basic are "play the ball as it lies", "play the course as you find it", and "if you cannot do either, do what is fair". A Golfer can play several types of shots such as tee shot, fairway shot, bunker shot, puts, pitch, flop, chip and a golf swing. A golf swing is the most complex shot that involves perfect coordination of the complete anatomy of the player.

Over the years golf equipment has grown in term of sophistication and technique. From golf balls, tees and clubs to golf carts, bags shoes, etc; it is a whole big market out there. The British officers first started professional golf. Now there are several Golf tournaments like PGA tour, Ryder Cup, U.S. Open etc. In this time and age when pollution is a big problem, the vast golf courses prove to be the breathing lungs of cities and towns where they are located. They nurture the local flora and fauna and provide a welcome respite from the concrete jungle.


Alignment - The Most Important Lesson in Golf

Alignment - The Most Important Lesson in Golf

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When I watch inexperienced golfers players hit the golf ball I find that they are usually mis-alinged to their target.  This means that they have to have flaw in their swing to hit the ball on target.  If you need a flaw in your swing to hit a perfect shot, how do you expect to improve.  This is why proper alignment is so important in the golf swing.

golf swing alignment

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When I watch inexperienced golfers players hit the ball I find that they are usually mis-alinged to their target. Typically, they aim way too far out to the right.  The reason they aim to the right is because the inexperienced player has the tendency to hit the ball with their arms which causes the ball to pull to the left.  This means that they are compensating for a flaw in their swing by just aiming their body out to the right instead of fixing the actual flaw.

What this boils down to, is that the inexperienced players' bad swings make the ball go on target and their perfect swings make the ball end up in the trees, or bunker on the right of the target.  So, they are seeing their good shots as bad shots and bad shots as good shots.  If this is the case, the inexperienced player will never want to fix their swing flaws.  If they don't fix their flaws they will never reach their golfing potential.  This is why I call alignment the most important lesson in golf.

Check Your Alignment

In order to find out if you are a player that has swing flaws, you must check your alignment.  To do this, all you have to do is pick out a target and do your normal set up.  Once you feel like you are ready, lay a club down at your heels or toes.  Then, step back about 10 paces behind the ball to see where you are actually aimed.  If the club you placed at your toes or heels is parallel left of your actual target, you have properly aligned yourself.  If the club on the ground points to the right of your target you are mis-aligned.

If you find that you are mis-aligned, you must learn to square up your stance.  To do this, simply find a target in the distance that you want to hit the ball to.   Take out 2 golf clubs that you rarely hit (ie. 3 iron and 4 iron).  Take the first club and lay it down directly at the target (you will have to step back a few paces to check this).  Place the second club parallel to the first club on the ground.  Now, take away the first club that is pointing at the target.  You should have one club on the ground that is parallel to the left of your target.

Once you have the club on the ground parallel to your target line you have a guide to help you align your feet, knees, hips and shoulders squarely.  If you aim your body squarely to the club on the ground and you hit the ball to the left of your target you have just found out that you are pulling the golf ball which means you are trying to hit the ball too hard with only your arms.  If you hit the ball to the right of the target from this square alignment you are sliding your body too much laterally through impact which is causing the ball to fly to the right. 

Learning that you are mis-aligned can be quite shocking at first but don't think of it as a bad thing, think of it as a good thing.  It's a good thing because you now know that you have a swing flaw and you can get on the road to fixing it so that you can play even better golf in the future. 

Until next time,

Paul Wilson


domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

Advice On Golf Training Aid Products

Advice On Golf Training Aid Products

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There are many different types of golf swing faults and golf training aids can go a long way in helping any golfer deal with their specific problem area.  The golf swing is the essence of the golf game and therefore it would not be a bad idea to get even two golf training aids that are specific to your swing fault.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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There are many different types of golf swing faults and golf training aids can go a long way in helping any golfer deal with their specific problem area.

The golf swing is the essence of the golf game and therefore it would not be a bad idea to get even two golf training aids that are specific to your swing fault.

The golf training aid that I have found to be very effective is the weighted club. This is a very golf-specific golf training aid as you go through the exact same motions you do with an ordinary club but with more weight. This greatly helps in strengthening and conditioning all the relevant muscles.

The inside approach is another great golf training aid to help improve any golf swing. This particular device is extremely useful for slicers and helps deal with this problem fairly quickly.

Another golf training aid is exercise tubing, which is very affordable and yet very effective. The strength of this device is in its' ability to break down the golf swing into as many different phases as you would like to focus on for the sake of improvements. It offers specific resistance training for each phase.

A stability ball is a golf training aid than any golfer with a bad back should have. There are almost countless different stretch exercises that you can with it. And what makes this golf training aid even more attractive is the fact that you can do your exercises in the office or at home when you have a moment.

A simple pair of dumbbells can be a golf training aid that is very useful to any golfer. They are usually very portable and there are many exercises that can be done with hand weights.

Use of a golf training aids all boils down to the golfer knowing exactly what they are doing when using it.


Admiration Of A Better Player Is A Good Thing

Admiration Of A Better Player Is A Good Thing

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I like to think we all seemed to have our heroes and greats in our early years. Growing up in front of a television had us dashing around with a sword or packing a six-shooter at our side. Depending on what we were watching at the time, whether it was in front of a television or out on some field watching a football game. We all seemed to mimic someone at one time or another. In our early years finding someone we admired as a Mentor kind of kept the spirit alive in direction ...



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I like to think we all seemed to have our heroes and greats in our early years. Growing up in front of a television had us dashing around with a sword or packing a six-shooter at our side. Depending on what we were watching at the time, whether it was in front of a television or out on some field watching a football game. We all seemed to mimic someone at one time or another. In our early years finding someone we admired as a Mentor kind of kept the spirit alive in direction and where we are today.

I often wondered back how I caught on to what some people call golf fever. Thinking back I often admired good golfers where I caddied. How I remembered getting excited when I watched a good golfer walk towards the first tee box. Standing there in anticipation of a huge drive to follow as the golfer teed up his ball, remembering how they maneuvered the golf ball off the tee box, watching the shot rise with a steady climb as it went out into the distance. I had to figure out then and there on how they did that by grabbing a stick or a nearby branch of any length and mimicking their swing. I use to take buckets of golf balls out to the practice range to try and accomplish that remarkable hitting distance. It just made me a better golfer trying.

Names like Kendal and Nadler sparked my excitement that took me where I am today in golf. To this day, because of my admiration of their golf game back then, it fired up the enthusiasm for years of golf that followed. The names may not have recognition to anybody else, but to me they were like a Palmer and Nicklaus as their names are to anybody today in the golf industry.

Kendal I admired because of his ability to take trees and woods out of play. His shots started out low with a steady climb upwards at about 200 yards out. His drives were so huge. I think then and there is where I caught the fever. His 5 wood took all the trees out of play. With today's technology, I would like to view those same shots again.

Nadler was a different type of golfer. She liked to play a low draw shot or fade shot. Her ability to move a ball in any direction was uncanny. Going up and over trees was not her game. Nadler steered her golf shots around them, like she was navigating a vehicle on an obstacle course. Her golf game was kind of like, hit the ball just before the green and watch it bounce past a sand trap and roll in towards the flagstick. Nadler could steer the ball around sand traps, trees, and whatever obstacles that were in her way. I often thought her golf ball had eyes, because of how her golf shots would start out straight and come back in towards the flagstick. It was amazing to watch. I learned from her that a straight shot was not the only golf shot you needed to master to play good golf. Also playing the old bump and run approach is an alternative game to play, that she was a master at.

It was because of them, my enthusiasm for golf took me to a better game. I didn't even think about watching it on television at the time. Sure I enjoy watching it on television today. You tend to slow down and take a more relaxed approach, or what you may call a golf couch approach at the game, as you get older. I guess the golf fever for me then, was being able to play golf like my Mentors, and there was nothing more enjoyable than actually trying to create a golf swing like theirs out on the course. I liked to think of them as Mentors, because it was them that taught me the potential thrill of playing good golf.

No matter what game of sports you play or want to learn. It could work for all walks of life. Go out and watch someone that is much better than you, and see if you can catch the excitement, to be as good, if not better. It could bring you to the top. If you're persistent!


sábado, 11 de junio de 2011

Achieving The Perfect Golf Swing Drill

Achieving The Perfect Golf Swing Drill

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The perfect golf swing drill is a joy to behold. And yet it is not too hard to achieve.  The perfect golf swing drill starts with a proper back swing with the golf club swung right back to the limit of your body. At this segment of the perfect golf swing drill your mind should be preparing for the rotation of your body and the arm extension.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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The perfect golf swing drill is a joy to behold. And yet it is not too hard to achieve.

The perfect golf swing drill starts with a proper back swing with the golf club swung right back to the limit of your body. At this segment of the perfect golf swing drill your mind should be preparing for the rotation of your body and the arm extension.

Next, the movements of the perfect golf swing drill moves to the down swing, which starts with the lower part of the body, including the legs and hips. A transfer of weight will take place from back to front with the knees, thighs and hips all moving forward.

The perfect golf swing drill ends with the body weight on the outside of the front heel and the inside of the rear foot.

The perfect golf swing drill is easy when your body is prepared and conditioned to achieve it. However the perfect golf swing drill can be very difficult for a golfer not involved in any golf specific exercise designed to condition and prepare their muscles and body in general for the strain and pressure that golf usually brings.

Most professionals take their golf-specific exercises very seriously, but some amateurs are reluctant to let go of the so-called good old days when exercise had no role in the leisure sport of golf. Still they are finding the going increasingly difficult as more and more golfers embrace golf exercise programs.

There is no doubt that the perfect golf swing drill happens only with those whose muscles and bodies have been prepared.


Achieve Better Posture and Improve Your Next Round

Achieve Better Posture and Improve Your Next Round

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Golfers struggling to improve their performance on the course must typically focus on the fundamentals to get to a more consistent level of play.  Often one of the most overlooked areas of play is the postural address or setup position of the swing.  Most people are aware of the importance of their setup routine; however, many overlook the less addressed area of posture.

golf posture, golf game, golf course, golf exercises, golf performance, spine angle, golf balance

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Golfers struggling to improve their performance on the course must typically focus on the fundamentals to get to a more consistent level of play.  Often one of the most overlooked areas of play is the postural address or setup position of the swing.  Most people are aware of the importance of their setup routine; however, many overlook the less addressed area of posture.
Proper posture and foot placement allows you to maintain your balance throughout the swing. Balance throughout the swing allows you to hit the ball squarely in the center of the clubface.  Also proper body alignment can help to create a setup that leads to control.  Postural alignment is an integral part of the quality of your golf swing.
Good postural alignment helps you create power and control the direction of the shot. Key pre-swing elements such as ball position and body alignment create the conditions that lead to control. The body angles that you create at address directly influence the path and angle on which you swing the club. They influence the body positions and movements; thus your setup directly affects all elements of the swing.

A physical fitness assessment can give you much information on achieving good posture throughout your swing.  Don't overlook the advantages of muscular strength and flexibility when considering the golf swing.  These advantages can make the difference between playing great golf and constantly struggling to maintain your current level of play.

By identifying areas of weakness, you are able to direct your fitness regimen to retrain old muscle habits, improve muscle memory, coordinate spinal movement and thus improve your posture.  Concentrating on the muscles that control the spine angle, your center of gravity and balance, you will improve the muscles necessary to correct current swing faults.  This will obviously lead to better golf performance.     

Retraining posture through correct technique, proper exercises and stretch routines can be perhaps the best thing you can do to improve your game.


sábado, 4 de junio de 2011

About Golf Carts And Their Surprising Uses

About Golf Carts And Their Surprising Uses

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Golf Carts -- An Amazingly Diversified Niche Industry

Golfers out for a Sunday afternoon game just take them for granted on the golf course, and never think about their origin. I am talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting each golf course. Even so, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different systems abound. Golf carts are manufactured as miniature cars, and golf-cart corporations provide leasing and financing choices just as the...

golf carts surprising uses

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Golf Carts -- An Amazingly Diversified Niche Industry

Golfers out for a Sunday afternoon game just take them for granted on the golf course, and never think about their origin. I am talking about golf carts, those miniature vehicles dotting each golf course. Even so, golf cart production is a multi-million dollar industry and different systems abound. Golf carts are manufactured as miniature cars, and golf-cart corporations provide leasing and financing choices just as the huge car corporations do.

Golf originates from a medieval game played on the coast of Scotland in the 15th century. Golfers would hit a pebble instead of a manufactured ball around the sand dunes employing a stick or wide club. As time passed, stones were exchanged for man-made balls, the earliest of which were thin leather bags stuffed with feathers. The gutta-percha ball wasn't invented until 1848 and might be hit the maximum distance of 225 yards. In 1899 rubber balls were invented that may reach distances of 430 yards if hit by a professional. Golf sticks evolved into carefully weighted golf clubs, and in the 1880's the use of golf club bags became fashionable. The caddie, a servant who carted all the player's gear aound the golf course, had his burden lessened in the early 1950's by the introduction of the golf cart.

The 1st golf cart manufacturers were E-Z-Go, Pargo, Harley Davidson and Cushman. The cost was astoundingly high for this era, $1200, however as even more manufacturers entered the field it dropped to $600, still a steep price for this era in inflationary terms. Fifty years later, E-Z-Go is still producing golf carts today. There are 100s of golf cart manufacturers listed online, and virtually all of these corporations specialize solely in these vehicles, and don't produce any larger cars.

The 1st golf carts were gas-powered, however recently the market has shifted to even more battery-powered systems. Golf carts can be customized just like cars, and lift kits and ATV wheels are sold to golfers who wish to express their individuality out on the course. There are corporations which specialize in creating entire custom golf cars, or even miniaturized versions of full sized cars, like the Humdinger (Humvee), mini Jeep, Rolls-Royce, Cadillac or even Mercedes-Benz.

Golf carts come in three forms: manual push/pull carts, electric motorized carts, and electric or even gas golf cars that hold passengers as well as gear. Push/pull carts have two to three wheels and a vertical support to hold a golf bag. They are basically just a manual dollies with clips and holders especially adapted for golf gear, and sell for $50 to $100. Moving higher in sophistication, motorized golf caddies cost about $500 all the way to $1000. Golf carts, which resemble dune buggies in size, begin at about $1800 for a small basic model.

Ebay has a massive choice of both new and utilized golf carts at low prices however service can be a problem with the smaller vendors. Check if the vendor has a physical store as well and is not just a reseller of a larger firm. Warranty service can be affected by this.

Manufacturers are also expanding their sales by renaming carts "Electric Utility Vehicles" and suggesting alternate utilizes for them, like hauling lawn equipment and travelling around rural properties.


A More Consistent And More Accurate Swing

A More Consistent And More Accurate Swing

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An article to help make your golfswing more consistent and more accurate.

Golf Swing, Golf Article

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When I get my golf club in my hand, I feel like knocking the cover right off the ball.  It makes me feel great when I hit the ball using all of my strength.  Just being able to hit the ball hard does not mean that I play a good golf game though. If you just want to relieve a little stress go ahead, by all means but this is better left to the driving range. If you want to play a good game of golf, you need to hold back on the power a little. One of the biggest mistakes that golfers' make is to swing their golf club too hard. This shows that you have power, but you need accuracy to play a good game of golf. 

Tensing up can cause you to use too much effort. When you are swinging your golf club, you just need to relax and swing easily. This will help to reduce your power. Putting your feet closer together will also help reduce the strength of your swing. You should only use the amount of power that you are able to control.  Accuracy, not power is the key to playing a good game. Distance will come from a clean, correct swing, not by how much power you put into your swing. Tensing up when you are swinging your golf club will throw your balance off causing an inaccurate shot.   Your club head should travel in a straight line with the ball. A smooth consistent swing with very little effort should be your goal.  If the ball is hit correctly it will feel smooth and easy.   
Your center of gravity is very important. You need a stable center of gravity that stays consistent. You can accomplish this by keeping your head still and both of your feet in the same position throughout your swing. You have to keep your feet planted firmly so that your weight is concentrated in your feet when you make contact with the ball.  This will make your center of gravity more stable. Focus on the ball and try not to jerk your body or move your head while swinging your club. This will throw your center of gravity off, causing a bad swing and an inaccurate shot.

A tip to help correct slicing is to see how centered you can hit the ball with your club and how low you can keep the ball.  If the ball flies too high, it can get caught up in the wind and can go left or right on rough ground. 

After you master a smooth, more consistent and more accurate swing you may gradually want to increase your speed.