jueves, 21 de julio de 2011

Core Exercise For Golf Will Improve Your Driving Distance The Quickest

Core Exercise For Golf Will Improve Your Driving Distance The Quickest

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Core exercise for golf. You've probably heard this phrase mentioned on the television a time or to. This is the area that Vijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to be working for him. He's driving it longer and straighter and winning tournaments.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Core exercise for golf. You've probably heard this phrase mentioned on the television a time or to. This is the area that Vijay works on the most with his golf trainer and it seems to be working for him. He's driving it longer and straighter and winning tournaments.

When we talk about core exercise for golf the key term that needs to be thrown in there is rotational. You see…the golf swing is a turn (or rotate) back and a turn (or rotate) through. So any core exercise for golf you do should incorporate rotational strength and flexibility.

One of the most difficult things for golfers to do is take a step back from their game and examine what they can do to improve performance. Strength training is a perfect example. What almost all golfers overlook is developing the strength and awareness fo the region of their body that can lead them to their best level no matter what the age or ability.

That area is the CORE!

This area starts roughly at your belly button and goes up to the bottom of your sternum. It is the engine of your body and awareness of your core affects golf the most. Think of it as the link in the chain that needs to be the strongest, not the weakest.

Greg Norman use to say when he wanted to hit it long he would get his belly button or belt buckle turning faster; which in other words is his or your core.

Two simple core exercises for golf that will quickly strengthen your core is ab crunches and back extensions. These would be your initial exercises since I mentioned early on in this article you need to work from a rotational standpoint to strengthen your core specific to golf.

Once you've accomplished the above exercises, you can move on to a crunch with a twist and a back extension with a twist. This will hit your rotational strength right away.

You can then progress up to standing on your feet doing several different variations of rotational movements with a single dumbbell, standing upright and also in your golf posture.

When you approach your golf improvement program with a core exercise for golf, you will see your driving distance sky rocket past your playing partners!


Conditioning For Golf Produces A Powerful Golf Swing

Conditioning For Golf Produces A Powerful Golf Swing

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Conditioning for golf sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it?  But let me ask you this.  Do you feel stress in your body during or after a golf swing?  I'm referring to physical stress.  The muscles tightening; the lower back stiffening; the joints aching; or just plain physical fatigue.  The reason I ask is to make you aware that conditioning for golf will help eliminate all the above.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Conditioning for golf sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it?  But let me ask you this.  Do you feel stress in your body during or after a golf swing?  I'm referring to physical stress.  The muscles tightening; the lower back stiffening; the joints aching; or just plain physical fatigue.  The reason I ask is to make you aware that conditioning for golf will help eliminate all the above. 

I've written many articles pertaining to the traumatic effect the golf swing can have on the body.  Swinging a 3 foot plus lever (club) at up to 100 mph in a very dynamic and sometimes uncomfortable position (golf posture) will abuse your body quickly if you have not prepared your muscles from both a strength and flexibility standpoint.

Physical breakdown of the body is a common occurrence for golfers.  Many golfers don't realize the intense pressure the golf swing causes, and yet they'll deal with aches and pains through their entire golfing career.

It doesn't have to be that way!

Golf is an athletic movement and you should physical prepare your body to perform, like any other athlete would for his or her sport.

Doesn't that make sense?

I see golfers every day on the range and the golf course who are physically broken.  They have locked up shoulders, inhibiting their ability to rotate fully; they have no core strength (most golfers are sporting too many pounds in the middle) to produce power and distance; poor hamstring flexibility, making it impossible to maintain golf poster; the upper back muscles are weak and tight causing the rounded upper back, eliminating any chance of proper spine angle.

I could go on and on, but I think you're getting the picture.

I don't know if golfers are in denial of the importance of conditioning for golf, or just don't want to put any effort into that aspect of the game.  But either way, it is inevitable that a weak and restricted body will have no chance at maximizing potential.  It's a physical impossibility.

Conditioning for golf should be taken seriously!

When you do a program specific to golf, it can be fun.  Boredom is one of the biggest causes of consistency and results.  But if you knew you were doing something not only for your personal health, but to benefit your golf game, wouldn't that motivate you to stick with it?

We're not talking about going to a gym for 2 hours with all the muscle heads.  We're talking about 20-30 minutes a day in your home.  Simple and fun exercises with tubing, handweights and a stability ball.  Your complete golf fitness gym for under $60.  No gym memberships.  Just a fun routine in the privacy of your home.

Evaluate where your golf swing and game are currently and ask yourself this question.  "Would I play better if I could move my body more fluidly and powerfully?"  The answer is a resounding YES!  You've got to realize this sooner or later.  Prepare your body to perform and the sky is the limit.

Get started right now on your conditioning for golf!


miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011

Components Of An Effective Pre-Shot Routine

Components Of An Effective Pre-Shot Routine

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Developing consistency isn't easy. It's especially difficult for golfers whose practice time is limited by their work and/or their families. But there are some things that these golfers can do to help themselves develop consistency, even when they're unable to get to a range or are on the road traveling. One is practicing their pre-shot routine— something my golf tips often discuss.

Unfortunately, many golfers don't have a pre-shot routine. If they do have a routine, they ...



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Developing consistency isn't easy. It's especially difficult for golfers whose practice time is limited by their work and/or their families. But there are some things that these golfers can do to help themselves develop consistency, even when they're unable to get to a range or are on the road traveling. One is practicing their pre-shot routine— something my golf tips often discuss.

Unfortunately, many golfers don't have a pre-shot routine. If they do have a routine, they don't always use it. And when they use it, it's disorganized. Their method of ball alignment is haphazard; they spend too much time over the ball; and/or they line up off-target, among other things. If they're interrupted, they look up to see what caused the noise—then hit away, as if nothing happened.

Using a pre-shot routine is helpful, whether on the tee or in the fairway. It encourages consistency, guarantees correct alignment, and helps you make the transition to the right frame of mind. It also helps you focus on the job at hand, which my golf tips constantly advocate. In short, a good pre-shot routine prepares you both physically and mentally for a shot.

My golf lessons review the individual components of a good routine. Of course, everyone's routine will differ to a degree, but most will be pretty consistent in terms of their key components. If you're striving for a lower golf handicap, work these components into your routine.

Here's what I recommend…

Components of a Pre-shot Routine

• Stand behind ball/visualize shot
• Position yourself parallel to target line
• Place clubhead behind the ball, square to target
• Look at target/visualize shot
• Relax arms/waggle club
• Look at target again, sense shot, exhale
• Pull trigger and swing

First, stand a few yards behind the ball facing the target. While behind the ball, pick out a target, and picture the shot, a technique we often emphasize in my golf instruction sessions. Also, visualize the ball's flight.

Next, walk to the ball. Position yourself approximately parallel to the target line with your feet close together.

Next, place the clubhead behind the ball so that it looks squarely at the target. Adjust your body so that it is parallel to target line. Move your back foot back, then your front foot forward until you're in a comfortable but stable stance. This sequence eliminates the need to worry about where the ball is positioned. It will be in the correct position every time.

Once you're set up, look at the target. Visualize the shot once more. Gently shuffle your feet, then waggle the club a few times. Constant movement primes you for the swing, as our golf lessons teach.

Then, relax your arms and your hands. Waggle the club a few times more.

Next, take another look at the target. Exhale. Sense the shot.

And finally, pull the trigger. Swing smoothly and easily.

That's it. Use this routine as a guide to developing your own or adapt it as you see fit. Work on the routine until you have something you're comfortable with, then use it. If you watch professional golfers you'll see that they all have a slightly different pre-shot routine; but they all have one and they all use it time and time again.

Sergio Garcia used to waggle the club countless times before he pulled the trigger. He no longer does that. Now, he waggles the club a couple of times, then pulls the trigger. He uses the routine every time he hits a ball from the tee or the fairway. Other players have their own pre-shot routines, with their own idiosyncrasies. But they do the same thing again and again—every time they hit.

There's, nothing mysterious about a good pre-shout routine. In fact, it's rather simple. Each component is designed to help you with the mechanical or the mental phase of the swing. And some of these components can be modified to suit your needs, so you have your own version.

What's critical, though, is that you use the same routine every time you take a shot. Repetition develops consistency, and consistency lowers golf handicaps. If something interrupts your shot, step away from the ball and start the routine all over again. Doing so assures you that you are focused squarely on hitting the ball.

Repeat this routine on the course or at home, with and without a ball. Practice it until it becomes instinctive. If you make adjustments, practice the new routine until the adjustment becomes instinctive. Use the routine every time you take a swing—even when taking golf lessons.

Next time you can't get to the range or you're on the road, work on your pre-shot routine. Then use it when you're on the course. You might be surprised just how much a good pre-shot routine helps your golf handicap.


Components Of A Golf Exercise Program

Components Of A Golf Exercise Program

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Golf exercise program - with the exploding number of so-called golf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It's easy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that will hardly have the desired objective of improving their game.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Golf exercise program - with the exploding number of so-called golf fitness experts these days, it becomes very confusing. It's easy for a golfer to be misled and end up in a program that will hardly have the desired objective of improving their game.

In fact the wrong golf exercise program can end up making a golfer's game deteriorate rather than improve.

It is therefore very useful to know what constitutes a complete golf exercise program

A complete golf exercise program will tend to have the following attributes;

A) Golf specific stretch exercises Stretch exercises are a very important part of any genuine golf workout program. Stretches help improve the golf swing and correct many common mistakes and weaknesses in this area. They sometime help alleviate or even eliminate nagging back problems in some golfers. Many stretch exercises can be done in the comfort of the office or home.

B) Golf specific strength training Strength training is also a key area in any good golf workout program. Strength training usually has a dramatic effect on the quality of the game of any golfer. Dumbbells are usually used and the program for building strength for golf is usually very different from a body building program because the idea here is not to build muscles.

C) Should be able to focus on certain common player weaknesses A good golf exercise program should also be able to focus on certain common weaknesses amongst most amateur golfers with the aim of helping to improve and deal with those weaknesses. This at times may involve the use of certain golf aid equipment. However it should be very clear what particular aspects of the game are being developed by what golfing aids.

A complete golf exercise program should help any golfer improve their game dramatically and feel much more confident every time they set foot on the course.


martes, 19 de julio de 2011

Cobra Fairway Woods

Cobra Fairway Woods

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Cobra has a rich history of developing high performance golf clubs and is devoted to honouring and respecting the traditions of the game, and to providing golfers with top of the range equipment.

cobra golf, cobra fairways, cobra fairway woods, Cobra Golf Speed Pro Mens Fairway Woods, Cobra Golf Speed LD M Ladies Fairway Woods, Cobra Golf Speed LD F Mens Fairway Woods

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Cobra has a rich history of developing high performance golf clubs and is devoted to honouring and respecting the traditions of the game, and to providing golfers with top of the range equipment.  Fairway Woods usually have smaller heads than compared to drivers and this aspect makes them easier to control swing than drivers.  The greater lofts and smaller heads of Fairway Woods help get the ball high into the air and are more convenient to handle than long drivers and are mostly used by amateur golfers and beginners.

Golf Buy It Online has a fantastic range of Cobra Fairway Woods including Cobra Golf Speed Pro Mens Fairway Woods, Cobra Golf Speed LD M Ladies Fairway Woods and Cobra Golf Speed LD F Mens Fairway Woods as well as many others.

Cobra Golf Speed Pro Mens Fairway Woods have been designed with input from the Cobra Tour staff and feature a shallow-face profile with square-face alignment and neutral weighting.  The result is a more workable performance for the accomplished player.  New for 2008, Cobra Golf Speed LD M Ladies Fairway Woods feature a deeper Centre of Gravity for longer, more accurate shots.  They are more forgiving across the face which allows you to tackle rough and tight lies with confidence.  The new Cobra Golf Speed LD F Mens Fairway Woods delivers an impressive 5000+ Moment of Inertia for better distance, accuracy and consistency.

Golf Buy It Online only sell golf equipment that they are authorised retailers for, which means you have piece of mind that the products are 100% real and they come with the full year's manufacturer's warrantee.  With over 30 years experience in golf retail their knowledge on all products is second to none.  If you're looking for Cobra Fairway Woods then look no further than Golf Buy It Online, the best prices and the fastest delivery around!


Clubhead Speed Or Power, Which Comes First In The Golf Swing?

Clubhead Speed Or Power, Which Comes First In The Golf Swing?

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A question for the ages in relation to the golf swing. Golfers around the world are familiar with the term clubhead speed. It is the rate at which the golf club is traveling at impact with the golf ball. Golfers are also familiar with the term power.
They know that power is directly related to clubhead speed. Knowing the connection between the two, which comes first?

Clubhead Speed and Power in the Golf Swing

Take a moment to answer the question; which comes first, clu...

Golf, Fitness, Golf Tip, Instruction, Exercise

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A question for the ages in relation to the golf swing. Golfers around the world are familiar with the term clubhead speed. It is the rate at which the golf club is traveling at impact with the golf ball. Golfers are also familiar with the term power.
They know that power is directly related to clubhead speed. Knowing the connection between the two, which comes first?

Clubhead Speed and Power in the Golf Swing

Take a moment to answer the question; which comes first, clubhead speed or power?

Write down your answer and continue reading. Before we answer this question, let us do a quick review of both clubhead speed and power.

Clubhead Speed

Again, we understand that clubhead speed is the rate at which the clubhead is moving at impact with the golf ball. The development of clubhead speed is a resultant of your golf swing mechanics. It is essentially a summation of the entire process of the golf swing, beginning with address, moving through the backswing, into transition, onto the downswing, and completing with impact.

The paragraph above should answer the question of which comes first; clubhead speed or power? Clubhead speed is the resultant of power development with the mechanics of the golf swing.

The next question we want to ask is about power:

How is Power Developed in the Golf Swing?

Power is a combination of two entities:

1. Golf Swing Mechanics

2. Body

Your golf swing mechanics is the efficiency at which you perform the golf swing. Essentially, the golf swing can be broken down into the stages. These stages are;

Address, Backswing, Transition, Downswing, Impact, and Follow Through

Each of these stages within the golf swing can be performed efficiently or inefficiently. PGA Tour players tend to perform the mechanics of the golf swing very efficiently, where as the 30 handicapper performs them very inefficiently.

If the mechanics within each stage of the golf swing are efficient. The creation of power and transfer of this power into clubhead speed is at a greater percentage.

On the flip side, if each stage is performed inefficiently. The amount of power developed and transferred into clubhead speed becomes a low percentage.

The first key in power development and the generation of clubhead speed is golf mechanics.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics = Greater Power Development and Clubhead Speed

Once we understand that efficient golf swing mechanics equals more power and clubhead speed. We can turn our attention to the "support structure" of your golf swing.

The Body

The body is what drives the golf swing. It is your skeleton, muscles, and nerves performing the mechanics of the golf swing. As a result, your body has a direct affect on how much power you generate in your golf swing.

The mechanics of golf swing requires certain levels of:






Optimal levels within these body categories allow for the possibility of performing the mechanics of the golf swing at their most efficient levels.

For example, a full shoulder in the backswing is necessary for optimal power development. In order to perform a full shoulder turn, you must have a high level of flexibility.

If you are lacking the flexibility to perform a shoulder turn it will affect the amount of power you can generate.

Bottom line the body is the foundation on which the golf swing is developed.

If you have a weak foundation, you will have a weak golf swing.

Efficient Golf Swing Mechanics + A Strong, Flexible, and Powerful Body = Clubhead Speed

We now know clubhead speed is a product of power development in the golf swing. Power development within your golf swing is contingent upon two entities. The first entity is your golf swing mechanics. Performing the mechanics of the golf swing efficiently elicits more power. Secondly, it is the body. Optimal power development requires certain levels of flexibility, balance, strength, endurance, and power within the body. Put these two entities together and you have the ability to generate high levels of clubhead speed within your golf swing.



lunes, 18 de julio de 2011

Choosing The Right Golf Club Can Improve Your Golf Swing

Choosing The Right Golf Club Can Improve Your Golf Swing

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Most golfers tend to buy what the others are buying. Buying a set of golf clubs is a little technical, and you should always buy them on their merits and suitability, rather than copying someone else's purchase.

improve golf swing, improving golf swing

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Buying a set of clubs is like taking a shot in the dark even if you are a professional golfer, let alone the beginners. Golfers are a brand conscious society and choosing from Yones, Taylor made, Titleist, Adams, Callaway, Wilson, Spaulding, King Cobra, Ping or Mizuno becomes a little difficult and confusing.

Most golfers tend to buy what the others are buying. Buying a set of golf clubs is a little technical, and you should always buy them on their merits and suitability, rather than copying someone else's purchase.

Uses of each club and knowing what each kind does would not only help in making a good choice but will also go a long way in improving your game. Right lie and shaft flex are also important factors in making the decision. Flex is the flexibility of the club. Powerful swingers should use less flex and beginners and less powerful swingers should use more flex.

If you are a beginner to the game, it is best that you stick to the basic set of clubs - the irons, wedges, drivers and putter. Each of these clubs is designed to increase and improve your swinging speed and will help correct your game.

Using the right club will facilitate in learning the game faster. The basic consideration in choosing you set of clubs is your basic ability level - low handicap, mid handicap or high handicap?

Low handicap: Score less than ten strokes over par..!

Recommended clubs: More than 1 fairway wood, driver, lower irons, more than 3 wedges, pitching wedge, sand wedge, lob/approach wedge.

Mid handicap: Golfers in the 11-20 handicap bracket..!

Recommended clubs: Fairway woods (7 and 9 required), driver, irons (3 and 9), more than 3 wedges, pitching wedge, sand wedge, lob/approach wedge.

High handicap: New gamers..!

Recommended clubs: 3 wood for tee off, 7 and 9 woods, more than 3 wedges, pitching wedge, sand wedge, lob/approach wedge.

Although drivers and woods are regarded to be the most important clubs in any golfer's bag, a hybrid is found most commonly today. Many golfers prefer the Taylormade Rescue mid hybrid club which generates clubhead speed. The hybrid club has a lower centre of gravity thus facilitating good control and accuracy.

After you have the understanding and logic of why and when to use a particular club, many other consideration enter the picture before a club can be purchased. Trying out rented clubs can be useful to make the right decision. Buying second hand clubs, while beginning the game, may also prove effective and save costs.


Choose The Right Golf Clubs Every Time

Choose The Right Golf Clubs Every Time

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Golf is now accepted globally as a popular sport activity. Since it has gone mainstream, it is common to see commercials on TV featuring this beloved sport. I am certain that you have seen some golf clubs that are being advertised in the market, claiming they can help you hit longer and harder than ever before. These new clubs promise to improve your game, but you should beware of these promises. If something is too good to be true, then it most probably is.

Everybody shou...

Golf, golf equipment, sport

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Golf is now accepted globally as a popular sport activity. Since it has gone mainstream, it is common to see commercials on TV featuring this beloved sport. I am certain that you have seen some golf clubs that are being advertised in the market, claiming they can help you hit longer and harder than ever before. These new clubs promise to improve your game, but you should beware of these promises. If something is too good to be true, then it most probably is.

Everybody should approach golf clubs with caution at first. Determine if the advertised brand is something you really need. If it is commonly seen in a TV commercial then the company manufacturing it has to have plenty of marketing budget to afford the airtime placements. This translates to more expensive equipment. Is a high price your guarantee of better quality? Not all the time.

A practical option is testing out the golf club before buying. Try to get a feel for the equipment. See if it suits your body type. Is it long enough? Does the grip hug your palms? How do you find the weight? When buying the clubs it is ideal that an experienced player that you trust accompanies you. This way you can be sure that the advice you will be receiving is honest and factual. You need not worry of being misled.

You can also ask your golf friends if you can borrow their clubs. Once you get more comfortable with the brand, you can then seriously consider taking it to the next step and buying for yourself.

When you are about to buy your golf club, make sure you find out more about the brand and model. What is its reputation? How long has it been made? Do experts recommend it? These set of questions can assist you in making a sensible decision. It will provide you with a working framework of how you can intelligently assess your options.

Not all golf clubs are expensive. If they are, then it is up to you if you wish to invest in one or not. If you are still starting to play the sport, then settle for a beginner's set. These are inexpensive, and will allow you to play the game correctly. Expensive clubs, if used in the proper way, can give better performance. Yet it will not mean anything to a beginner or a non-professional player.

A golf club can range from being a low cost investment to an expensive piece of equipment. The decision on what golf club to buy is dependent on what you value. Remember that you do not always need the high end products. Sometimes you can make do with ordinary ones. Just think wisely and ask around before you do decide to buy golf clubs.


sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

Choose The Right Golf Ball To Improve Your Golf Game

Choose The Right Golf Ball To Improve Your Golf Game

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Choosing a golf ball could be tricky, if you choose the ball used by Tiger Woods, it is not necessary that you can have the same handicap that he does. The choice has to be made as per you game style. The wrong ball could give you bigger handicaps and the right ball could make you feel like a champion.

choose golf ball, choosing golf ball

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The earliest golf balls have been traced to late 18th century and were made of wood in Scotland. They were very susceptible to the elements and ended up with cracks. Early 19th century saw the advent of the feathery ball, made of leather and stuffed tight with feathers. This ball became very popular until the "guttie" made its entry, made of solid gutta-percha rubber.

It was more durable and had stronger resistance to the elements. A lot of science has gone into designing a modern golf ball since and today's golf balls are a scientific combination of chemicals and polymers making it accurately fly farther.

Golf Balls today are of three kinds - two-piece, three-piece and high performance. The two-piece ball is made of a solid core and cover and offers better distance with slow swing, while the three-piece ball is made of solid core, wound with elastic and then covered, offering more control. High performance balls are for accuracy.

The two-piece balls are designed for beginners and the other varieties are fro advanced golfers. The cover is generally made of Surlyn or Balata. Surlyn is more durable and strong whereas Balata is softer and provides better grip and control with spin. Balata is preferred by most golfers. Two-piece balls are cheaper and highly available. Three-piece and high performance balls are very expensive and designed for professionals and advanced players.

Choosing a golf ball could be tricky, if you choose the ball used by Tiger Woods, it is not necessary that you can have the same handicap that he does. The choice has to be made as per you game style. The wrong ball could give you bigger handicaps and the right ball could make you feel like a champion.

Choosing a golf ball will depend upon your swing and style of play. If you are still confused, you can try each of the varieties for some days at a time and compare the results.

Similar to choosing your golf clubs, choose the golf ball that suits your swing and game so as to eliminate weaknesses and build upon your strengths. Never go by brands, brands are secondary to performance and suitability. Make sure you like a golf ball because it betters your play, not because it was made by Nike or Yonex.

Finally, do not fall for personalized and logo golf balls, they are just temptations.


Changing the Awkward Golf Shots Into Opportunities

Changing the Awkward Golf Shots Into Opportunities

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Overcoming awkward golf shots. If you have a tricky golf shot here are a few ways to make the most of it! You know the sort of thing? The golf shot that isn't as simple as the videos or pros make it seem! What is the right golf swing path?

golf,golf shots,golf shot,golf swing,golf swing path

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For some of us golfers, this is something that happens to us more often that we would like.  You know what I am talking about.  Shots that throw you off balance or aren't as simple as instruction videos or professionals make them look.  Here are some great ways to overcome the awkward shots. 

When you have an awkward shot to make, think about how you can swing, your golf swing path  keep your balance, and keep from moving your head.  Then imagine the line your club travels along.   

Prior to setting up your shot, consider where the club head needs to travel for the greatest distance in a straight line.  Keep in mind that the ball makes contact with the club head for several inches.  After you make a few practice swings, you will be able to see what relationship your feet will have with the line and then you can determine your stance. 

It is important to keep from swaying when you are about the hit the ball.  Just before you swing, see if there is any problem keeping your balance.  If there is, you need to keep shifting until you find a comfortable position where there is no tension in your swing.  Freedom in your muscles and mind is what you are looking for so that you will be able to swing smoothly.  If you are fidgety when you address the ball, you are not going to be able to focus on the ball.  Be sure you keep your feet still. 

Ensure that you can see the ball from the beginning to end of your swing.  Even if it is a difficult shot, do not lose focus on the ball.  This will help you hit the ball cleanly and solidly. 

If you keep your eye on the ball, then your swing will be free from faults and the ball will be hit correctly.  If you can keep your head still for the entire swing until the club head meets the ball, your swing will definitely improve.  Then if you have an awkward shot, you will be able to hit it with confidence and assurance. 

Bad or difficult weather can make any shot more difficult.  When the wind is blowing, it is important to keep your feet closer together.  It is natural to think that you just need to hit the ball harder, but the wind makes it even more important to hit the ball correctly. 

The more awkward the shot, the more you need your muscles to be relaxed enough to make the shot.  Here is a tip.  The shorter the shot that you need to make, the closer your feet should be brought together.  Hit the ball true, instead of with all of your strength to keep it from bouncing away and reducing the distance that it travels. 

Awkward and difficult shots are something that every golfer needs to learn to deal with.  Once you learn how to handle them, then you will be much more confident and be enjoying a lower golf score! 


viernes, 15 de julio de 2011

Change Your Life With Some Great New Golf Tips

Change Your Life With Some Great New Golf Tips

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Good golfing means good golf tips and to find them there are some definite things you need to do. The best golf tips may not grow on trees but there are tons out there for you and all you have to do is look for them, and not that hard either. They are literally everywhere! Some of the best golf tips will be a little harder to find than some of the others but you will have no problem finding hundreds of golf tips that will change the way that you play golf forever. Of course t...


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Good golfing means good golf tips and to find them there are some definite things you need to do. The best golf tips may not grow on trees but there are tons out there for you and all you have to do is look for them, and not that hard either. They are literally everywhere! Some of the best golf tips will be a little harder to find than some of the others but you will have no problem finding hundreds of golf tips that will change the way that you play golf forever. Of course the more time you spend looking for your golf tips the more of them you are bound to come across and keep in mind that the more you learn the better your golf game is going to be.

SO golf tips can make a big difference, but where can you start your search for them? One of the first places that you should look for golf tips is online. There is a plethora of knowledge on the internet and it can all be yours if you type in a few simple keywords. After that all you need to do is a little light reading. There is no easier way for you to find out all of the top ways to play golf and win. You will be able to get answers to some of the golf questions that have been stumping you for years and years when you do the looking online. There is virtually nothing that you cannot find and learn from online in just a few minutes flat. That kinds of speed and efficiency is priceless, just think of all the time you will have left out there on the links!

Another fantastic place to get some great golf advice is at the local public library. You will find a billion books filled with golf tips and advice at the library and you will never have to pay for any of it. You can take out all of the books you want and they will all be totally free of charge! Not all libraries have the same books either, so be sure to look at more than one library to see all of the selection available to you free. You may be able to look at the books the library has available online too so ask at the library if they have online access. This way you will be able to save all kinds of time and energy. You can even get the books put on hold online often, this will allow you to make sure you get the books you want when you need them the most.

Remember that you can use library books for golf advice and tips even if you don't have an actual library card. You will not be able to take them out of the building but they can be read inside as much as you want. You can even photocopy pages to take home if you want to.


Celebrities Get Hooked On Golf

Celebrities Get Hooked On Golf

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Celebrities that love to play golf. Discover what they think about this game... and how professional or not they are.

golf instructions, golf lessons, golf tips, golf schools, ecco golf schoes, impact golf training

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If you've never played golf, perhaps you'll never understand the attraction. But if you're like many celebrities--whether they've been playing for years or just recently began to tee it up--you'll agree that the game has an unusual appeal that can consume you.

Golf has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years, so much so that the game--long and wrongly considered a less-than-physically-challenging sport--is inspiring yoga and Pilates workouts. Celebrity golfers, who often pay personal trainers big money to help them get in shape and help them stay physically fit--say there are some definite physical benefits associated with an outing on the links.

Experts say you can get the most out of a round of golf if you walk the course, the length of which can measure about 5 miles, depending on the course. Walking improves your cardiovascular health, builds endurance and allows you to burn a moderate amount of calories. If you carry your clubs, you can get an upper body workout as well. And hitting the ball actually can improve your hand-eye coordination, which can be useful in many other areas.

Many celebrities and professional athletes have begun playing to add another level of competition to their lives and to be able to spend more time together with their families, who are joining them on the course.

Some players like Oakland Raiders cornerback Ray Buchanan love the sport so much that he and his wife, Sheree, built their dream home at Sugarloaf Country Club in Duluth, Ga., home of the PGA Tour's Bellsouth Classic. Their multimillion-dollar mansion overlooks the 9th hole, and Buchanan, a former Pro-Bowler, plays two to three times a week during the off-season.

"At first, I didn't like golf," says Buchanan, formerly of the Atlanta Falcons. "But after a while, it was like a virus--so contagious that I wanted to keep playing and learn more."

Sheree Buchanan, who starred as part of the "NFL wives" team in the Emmy-winning reality TV series The Amazing Race 4, just started playing golf a few months ago, in an effort to spend more time with her husband. She took up golf; he took up her favorite sport--tennis. She's just beginning to understand why her husband loves the game so much--the competition with yourself and a desire to always do better. Eventually, the couple hopes that their four children will grow to love the sport as much as they do.

 "[Golf is] still brand new for me," Sheree says. "For us, it's fun. He teaches me, and as long as we don't have a lot of people [playing] behind us, it's OK."

Carolina Panthers wide receiver Muhsin Muhammad, who also owns an entertainment company and nonprofit foundation, says he started playing golf when he entered the NFL and "fell in love with it."

"Golf is something that is very relaxing for me," says Muhammad, who already is encouraging his 3-year-old son to play. "I think being able to play golf allows you to meet and associate with different people."

But it's not only professional athletes who enjoy time on the course. Actors such as Samuel L. Jackson and Will Smith, and singer Johnny Gill also love the game. Even celebrity couples make the rounds together.it comes to golf: "We wish we had started to play when we were kids."


jueves, 14 de julio de 2011

Can Well-Maintained Greens Lower Your Scores?

Can Well-Maintained Greens Lower Your Scores?

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I don't often mention green maintenance in my golf lessons. Nor do I often discuss it in my golf tips. That's because golfers want to talk about hitting the ball instead. But the care and feeding of a club's greens—how they are mowed, watered, fertilized— can have a major impact on a player's golf handicap, especially if he or she plays the same course a lot.

Speed is the key factor when considering green maintenance. Usually, players want a superintendent to increase gree...



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I don't often mention green maintenance in my golf lessons. Nor do I often discuss it in my golf tips. That's because golfers want to talk about hitting the ball instead. But the care and feeding of a club's greens—how they are mowed, watered, fertilized— can have a major impact on a player's golf handicap, especially if he or she plays the same course a lot.

Speed is the key factor when considering green maintenance. Usually, players want a superintendent to increase green speed. It's probably the most frequent request about greens. Occasionally, players want a superintendent to decrease green speed, but these requests are few and far between. Misjudging the speed of a putt can add strokes to a score, as I've mentioned in my golf tips.

The term "green speed" is technically inaccurate. The device measuring "speed" —the USGA Stimpmeter —gauges the distance a ball rolls when released at a controlled speed on a putting surface, not the ball's velocity. To talk about green speed then is a bit of a misnomer. Nevertheless, we continue to use the term when talking about greens. (I even use it when giving golf lessons.) A green with a relatively long ball roll is considered "fast." A green with a relatively short ball roll is said to be "slow."

Ball roll relates to relationship between the initial energy when a putter strikes the ball and the resistance between the ball and the turf's surface, or friction. As the ball rolls across the green, its surface slows it down thanks to friction. A green with high resistance slows a ball down more than a green with low resistance. Moderating friction changes a green's speed.

Environmental factors, such as humidity, can moderate friction and change a green's speed. For example, high humidity increases green speed, a consideration when playing on a hot day. Soil type also influences green speed. Greens made predominately of clay are faster in spring than their sandier counterparts. While superintendents have little or no control over these factors, they have minimal impact on your game.

Management practices, on the other hand, like mowing or irrigation, can make a profound impact on a green, both short-term and long-term. Below is a summary of how some popular management practices affect green speed.


An effective way of increasing ball roll in the short-term, mowing has a significant impact on green speed. Decreasing mowing height by only 1/16 inch can increase ball roll from 6 to 10 inches. A similar response occurs when you "double cut" a green (mowing it a second time, perpendicular to the first cut) which can increase ball roll 6 to 12 inches. Mower type also influences green speed. Greens cut with a walk-behind mower are generally 6 to 8 inches fast than greens cut with triplex mowers.


Dry greens are faster than moist or wet greens. Withholding irrigation or decreasing it before an event requiring faster greens will increase ball roll 4 to 8 inches, depending on soil type.


Rolling golf greens isn't new, but it's growing in popularity thanks to new research and better equipment. Depending on the type of roller you use, you can increase green speed from 4 to 10 inches, with minimal compaction problems on sand-based greens


Light frequent topdressing with or without vertical mowing or core aerating is common. Topdressing decreases speed for up to 1 week after application, followed by an increase of from 4 to 8 inches (above the speed before topdressing.) Vertical mowing has a similar effect. Core aeration reduces speed initially, and if you don't topdress to fill in the holes, decrease it long term.


Decreasing nitrogen fertility will gradually increase ball-roll distance. A decrease in nitrogen fertility of only 10 percent can increase ball roll 8 to 12 percent. The effects may take up to a year to see, however, depending on previous fertility practices. Plant growth regulators can increase ball roll from 4 to 8 inches, depending on product, rate, and frequency of application.

Keep in mind that these factors do not operate independently. Modifying one may require compensation by modifying another.

Next time you play your favorite course be aware of these factors and how they affect a green. Take them into account when putting. Doing so might just help you improve your round and your golf handicap.


Can the Newer Technology of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score?

Can the Newer Technology of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score?

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The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago.  It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club.  The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots.  They're designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room for mistakes. The old blade style (solid club head with no cavity back) golf clubs left no room for error. You had two choices, hit the golf ball perfectly or settle for a bad shot.

golf clubs, improve golf score, golf club technology, golf fitness, golf exercises, golf performance

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The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago.  It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club.  The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots.  They're designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room for mistakes. The old blade style (solid club head with no cavity back) golf clubs left no room for error. You had two choices, hit the golf ball perfectly or settle for a bad shot.

Does every new club you buy help to lower your score?  We all wish it were that simple. Focusing solely on the invention of newer, better golf clubs can give you false hope. To explain: most of the amateur golfers out there now are expecting the golf club to fix problems with their swing.  This attitude can leave you very frustrated and also help in emptying your wallet.  

When the focus is on improving your game, there are many other aspects to consider. Sure, having a good set of well fitted clubs, and golf balls that perform better is helpful, but so is your training. The core to playing successfully in any sport is to have a proper routine that consists of strength, flexibility, and balance exercises, as well as consistent practice. Golf is no different.

High demands are repeatedly placed on the muscles used in the golf swing. In the normal golf swing the lower back and other core muscles are of prime importance.  If your core muscles aren't strong enough, your body will make adjustments to transfer the force. This can compromise your ability to play consistent golf.

Much can be done to improve your game with just minimal effort on a regular basis.  By regularly doing exercises to strengthen and improve the flexibility of muscles, you'll see marked improvement in your performance.  While the clubs can help for the best overall results, condition the body so it's capable of getting the most from your new clubs.


miércoles, 13 de julio de 2011

Can the Newer Technology of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score?

Can the Newer Technology of Golf Clubs Improve Your Score?

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The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago.  It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club.  The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots.  They're designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room for mistakes. The old blade style (solid club head with no cavity back) golf clubs left no room for error. You had two choices, hit the golf ball perfectly or settle for a bad shot.

golf clubs, improve golf score, golf club technology, golf fitness, golf exercises, golf performance

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The newest golf clubs are much more high tech than even a few years ago.  It seems easier than ever before to improve your game with a new golf club.  The modern golf clubs are more lightweight and have larger sweet spots.  They're designed to help you hit more consistent shots, while allowing more room for mistakes. The old blade style (solid club head with no cavity back) golf clubs left no room for error. You had two choices, hit the golf ball perfectly or settle for a bad shot.

Does every new club you buy help to lower your score?  We all wish it were that simple. Focusing solely on the invention of newer, better golf clubs can give you false hope. To explain: most of the amateur golfers out there now are expecting the golf club to fix problems with their swing.  This attitude can leave you very frustrated and also help in emptying your wallet.  

When the focus is on improving your game, there are many other aspects to consider. Sure, having a good set of well fitted clubs, and golf balls that perform better is helpful, but so is your training. The core to playing successfully in any sport is to have a proper routine that consists of strength, flexibility, and balance exercises, as well as consistent practice. Golf is no different.

High demands are repeatedly placed on the muscles used in the golf swing. In the normal golf swing the lower back and other core muscles are of prime importance.  If your core muscles aren't strong enough, your body will make adjustments to transfer the force. This can compromise your ability to play consistent golf.

Much can be done to improve your game with just minimal effort on a regular basis.  By regularly doing exercises to strengthen and improve the flexibility of muscles, you'll see marked improvement in your performance.  While the clubs can help for the best overall results, condition the body so it's capable of getting the most from your new clubs.


Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise

Can A Golfer Do Without Golf Fitness And Exercise

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Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential?

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Just how important is golf fitness and exercise to a golfer today in the modern game? Can a good amateur or even professional golfer do without it and still maximize their potential?

Will they still be able to enjoy their game and see constant improvements or at least consistency in their quality of play?

Those golfers who ask these sorts of questions about golf fitness and exercise sometimes nostalgically cast their minds back to the so called good old days of the golf game when the game was strictly a leisure sport where one hardly needed to break into a sweat to thoroughly enjoy themselves on the course.

The modern golf game has changed dramatically and permanently. Although golf is still very much the leisure sport that has given pleasure to thousands over the years even with the golf fitness and exercise programs. If anything these golf fitness and exercise programs have given many more people a chance to master the game much faster and really get to enjoy it.

Assuming that a golfer would want to skip golf fitness and exercise they would find themselves faced with one major problem. Increasingly they would find themselves frustrated and would be faced with a situation where it would seem that the standard of their game is dropping.

Actually what would be happening is that the pressure of playing against golfers involved in golf fitness and exercise programs would be taking its' toll.

There are few things that are as infuriating and frustrating as seeing your opponent effortlessly run rings around you on the course just because they have taken golf fitness and exercise seriously and you have not.

In all likelihood the golfer who is determined to do without golf fitness and exercises, just like in the old days, would increasingly find themselves in a position where they enjoy their game less and less.


martes, 12 de julio de 2011

Can A Golf Swing Video Change your Game?

Can A Golf Swing Video Change your Game?

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There are many golfers who have been exposed to many a golf swing video and yet there has been no effect on their game. At least not a positive one.  In fact for some their game has consistently gotten worse whenever they try to implement stuff that they learnt from a golf swing video somewhere. So the truth of the matter is that there are many golfers who do not believe that a golf swing video can have any sort of impact in a golfer's game or even its' quality.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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There are many golfers who have been exposed to many a golf swing video and yet there has been no effect on their game. At least not a positive one.

In fact for some their game has consistently gotten worse whenever they try to implement stuff that they learnt from a golf swing video somewhere. So the truth of the matter is that there are many golfers who do not believe that a golf swing video can have any sort of impact in a golfer's game or even its' quality.

There are several reasons for this. For instance there is no way a golfer can perform consistently or even hope to see their game gradually improving, without being physically fit or at least golf fit. The truth of the matter is that the game has changed tremendously in recent times.

For example the trend towards larger club heads and therefore heavier ones has put additional strain on the required physical strength and endurance that a typical golfer requires to perform at any level and not just the highest. Is it any wonder that the golf swing video does not impact most games?

The fact is that the golf swing, for example is a very unnatural swing action to the body. In fact the more unnatural it is, the better effect and results a golfer will tend to have.

This is the reason why it is usually difficult for most golfers to implement the swing techniques they view frequently in golf swing videos. There really is only one effective solution to the problem and that is exercising and conditioning the golf muscles in the body to find the golf swing as natural as possible.

This can easily be achieved by enrolling in any golf-specific exercise program carried out by somebody who is qualified and knows what they are doing.

That's really the only way a golfer can fully benefit from the useful advice and techniques available in most golf swing videos.


lunes, 11 de julio de 2011

Buying the Best Clubs for Beginners

Buying the Best Clubs for Beginners

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A new set of clubs for beginners is  really  not  necessary;  in
fact the higher end clubs can be a hindrance on your game.  Golf
is unique in the  fact  that  the  sport  requires  a  group  of
instruments, and equipment to play in  full.  Many  sports  like
baseball or basketball just require a few items that are used by
an entire team. Golf  being  an  individual  sport  this  aspect
changes into a need for the right set of clubs.

golf, golfer, golfing, golf club, golf skills, golf tips

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A new set of clubs for beginners is really not necessary; in fact the higher end clubs can be a hindrance on your game. Golf is unique in the fact that the sport requires a group of instruments, and equipment to play in full. Many sports like baseball or basketball just require a few items that are used by an entire team. Golf being an individual sport this aspect changes into a need for the right set of clubs.

Golf clubs are broken down into sets of complete or incomplete, as well as irons, woods, drivers, putters, wedges, and hybrids. Golf clubs can be purchased in any combination of the above, but typically for beginners it is good to start with the entire set.  Also women's clubs are sold as sets, but typically differ from men's clubs in size. Golf clubs in sets typically come with a bag that has stands on it, so it can rest on itself while you are taking your shots. Also golf sets occasionally will come with tops for the heads, as well as towels, umbrellas, and even balls.

Golf club sets can be purchased at a number of places. In order of price, most expensive to least, you can buy clubs at a pro shop; this will be your most expensive option. You can also buy clubs at sporting good stores, or golf specialty stores. For those bargain shoppers you can purchase a full set of clubs at Wal Mart, or even your local thrift store. For the internet shopper's eBay offers a great selection of new and used golf club sets.

The cost for a set of clubs can vary from less than $100 for an entire set, to over $10,000 for the high end clubs. Typically golfers can buy a decent set of clubs for $400 depending on where they are shopping. High end clubs are often bought in singles, thus making it more costly to purchase a set. One driver can cost over $1,000 at a local pro shop.

The term you get what you pay for isn't true in the world of golf clubs. Unlike cars, or computers, typically golf clubs can be beneficial at a low cost. Further, many prefer cheaper clubs, or used clubs, because they offer a more standard weight and grip. Golf clubs are uniquely made out of several different materials, and can vary depending on a user's preference. The cheaper clubs have a level feel to them, and don't offer too much of any one element. If a beginner spends a large amount of money on an ultra light driver, it could be too light for them to learn the basics of their swing, this actually prohibiting them from learning the basics.

Overall it's important to start off with a modest set of clubs until your game advances to levels that call for new clubs. Plus with all the money you save you can buy your significant other a set, and make a date at the course.


Building A Repeatable Swing Like Tiger Woods

Building A Repeatable Swing Like Tiger Woods

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Tiger Woods hits his irons straighter and more accurately than most pros. By swinging the club exactly the same way, he's able to repeat his golf swing again and again and again. The more he repeats his swing, the more often he generates predictable results. For Tiger, predictable results mean more tournament wins and higher earnings. For the rest of us, it means better scores and lower golf handicaps.

Building a repeatable swing is ultimately the goal of all golf instruct...



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Tiger Woods hits his irons straighter and more accurately than most pros. By swinging the club exactly the same way, he's able to repeat his golf swing again and again and again. The more he repeats his swing, the more often he generates predictable results. For Tiger, predictable results mean more tournament wins and higher earnings. For the rest of us, it means better scores and lower golf handicaps.

Building a repeatable swing is ultimately the goal of all golf instruction. The secret to producing a repeatable swing with your irons is keeping the clubface square to the swing path. Failing to do so forces you to make compensatory moves to return the clubface square to the ball.

Five other keys to building a repeatable swing are

Staying connected:
One common factor among good players, in addition to low golf handicaps, is "staying connected" during the swing. In other words, good players feature a one-piece takeaway from the ball, which I often stress in my golf tips and golf lessons. Staying connected means that everything—your club hands, arms, and shoulders—moves away from the ball in unison as you start your backswing, ensuring that the clubhead travels on a wide arc away from the ball.

Set the club on the correct plane
A repeatable swing sets the club on the correct plane. To do so, hinge or cock your wrists as you move into the backswing. As your arms continue to swing upward and your body to turn, the wrists point the clubhead skyward while your left shoulder replaces the right shoulder at address. The angle of the shaft to the ball stays the same and the clubhead remains square to the swing's path.

Swing into the top slot
As the top of the backswing, your club moves into "the slot" position, where the club's shaft is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the target line. Also, the clubface's angle matches your arm angle. Known as square or neutral, this is the ideal position to aim for at the top of the backswing. In addition, your original spine angle and your head position remain the same as at address. Your shoulders are turned 90 degrees, while your hips are turned 45 degrees. Most of your weight is over the right foot and you feel resistance in your right knee and right thigh.

Retain the force of the swing
Settle your weight smoothly back on your left side and start to unwind the upper body, as you move into the downswing. Also, drop your right elbow (for right handers) down to your side. This flattens the swing slightly. (This is Herb Pennick's "Magic Move," which I've previously covered in my golf tips.). As you shift your weight to the left side, your right heel comes off the ground slightly. Try retaining the 90 degree angle between your left wrist and the club's shaft as long as possible. Your hands lead the club into the ball at impact.

Open your shoulders at impact
It's a common belief that your shoulders should return to a square position at impact. I always address this point when giving golf lessons. In fact, your shoulders should occupy a slightly open position at impact, ensuring that the club has the room needed to travel on the correct path through the ball. In short, your body has to "get out of the way" for consistent ball striking with your irons. Finish with a balanced follow-through.

Also, important in building a repeatable swing is striking the ball cleanly and crisply. Work on this drill to improve your ballstriking. It's a staple of my golf instruction.

• Start by assuming the ideal impact position at address with one of your irons. Start by shifting your weight onto the left side (for right-handers) and lift the right heel off the ground a fraction. The hips and shoulders are slightly open with the head over the ball, creating the feeling of a good impact position. Now, move into the back swing, shifting your weight to the right side. Return your weight to the left side, swinging the club down and through at impact. Move through the swing to a balanced position, with your weight on your front foot.

Practice this drill again and again and again until you feel yourself swinging the club the same way. Building that repeatable swing produces accuracy, consistency, and a lower golf handicap. Yours may not look like Tiger's but it can produce more consistent and better results.


jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Better Golf Solutions Start With One Simple Approach

Better Golf Solutions Start With One Simple Approach

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Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer.  Finding the magic bullet that's going to cure your game overnight isn't going to happen.  In looking for better golf solutions, you've got to think about what's the main reason you're not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy?

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Better golf solutions is a mystery for the average golfer.  Finding the magic bullet that's going to cure your game overnight isn't going to happen.  In looking for better golf solutions, you've got to think about what's the main reason you're not making a sound, repeatable golf swing that generates power and accuracy?

Common approaches to better golf solutions are taking more lessons; buying new golf equipment that will hopefully make up for your swing faults (such as offset/oversized drivers and irons); purchasing training aids that promise the world, but end up in your garage gathering dust or being sold on ebay; or going to the range with a new level of practice commitment.

The six million dollar question!  Did it help?  Are you happy with your results?

If the answer is yes…congratulations on your success!  If the answer is no, than what in the world is left?  You've done everything right? 

I want you to think real hard for a second.

What one thing is critical in swinging a club, hitting the ball square and long, and producing results?


You dictate your outcome!

Let me explain.

You body has a current level of physical capability.  It is what it is.  Whatever that level is, will be your outcome.  No ifs, ands, or buts about it!  You will never consistently play to what you think your potential is until you improve your "physical capabilities"!

If golfers knew this little secret, they'd save hundreds, if not thousands of dollars a year on lessons, gimmicky training aids, equipment and range fees.

You are an athlete!  A golf athlete!  You've got to "prepare your body to perform".

What other athletic event do you know of where the athlete just shows up without working on his/her physical attributes?


I hate to be so blunt, but it is a fact.  Only until you realize this, and take it to heart will you achieve your golfing goals.  Your BODY determines your outcome.  Your BODY makes your golf swing.  Your BODY physically plays for 18 holes.  Your BODY dictates your confidence.  I hope you're getting the point here.

I can't say this strong enough!

Take the approach like an athlete and you will never have to think of better golf solutions.


Better Golf… Through Knowledge

Better Golf… Through Knowledge

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It is said that "What you don't know can't hurt you".  In golf, that couldn't be farther from the truth.

golf,play better golf, learn about golf, golf clubs, golf balls, shaft flex, club length, grip size

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Better Golf… Through Knowledge

It is said that "What you don't know can't hurt you".  In golf, that couldn't be farther from the truth.  Let's take a look at a few things the average golfer probably doesn't know about and how these things are probably costing you strokes.

Practice makes perfect...  Not!

Practice only makes perfect if you are reinforcing proper swing techniques.  For most golfers, a practice session consists of ripping through a bucket of balls on their lunch break or on the way home from work.  A trip to the range will not help you unless you are going to spend the time to "work" on your swing, and not just reinforce those bad habits you've already developed.  Use the following suggestions to help you turn that grip it and rip it pit stop at the range into a true practice session.

1. Only bring one club to the range with you at a time.

2. Hit a small bucket of balls and take your time with each swing.

3. Slow down your swing and try to hit the ball straight, not far.

Go ahead, blame your clubs!

There's a good chance that your clubs could be at fault for all those miss hits, even if they are brand new and cost you over $2000.  The problem is, if they don't fit you and your swing, then even when you make that perfect swing the ball isn't going to end up where you wanted it to be.  Club length, shaft flex, lie angle, and grip size will each greatly affect your golf game if they are not properly fitted to you.  Get custom fitted for clubs and see what the difference is compared to what you have now.  You could be losing a lot of strokes because of them.

Get some balls!

But don't get just any golf balls.  And that doesn't mean that you should run out and buy the most expensive ball on the market.  You need to get the right kind of ball for your game.  Do you need extra distance?  How about stopping power?  Or soft feel?  With so many different types of balls on the market today it makes it difficult to find a ball that suits your game.  Here are a few tips on what different caliber golfers should look for in a ball.

1. Beginner - Distance, Durability, $

2. Intermediate - Higher Spin, Softer Feel, $$

3. Advanced - Tour Quality, Distance, Spin, Feel, $$$

There are a lot of little things that go into making a great golfer.  Having a great swing helps, but that is the hardest part to get right.  The easiest way to cut strokes is to learn about golf club fitting, ball selection, and practice routines and how they can improve your game.  You'll be surprised by the results.


miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011

Best Clone Golf Clubs Are The Way To Go

Best Clone Golf Clubs Are The Way To Go

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The best clone golf clubs may be the best thing for your game no matter what level of player you are. Pay less for the same quality and performance as the leading brand names.

best clone golf clubs

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If you are searching for the best clone golf clubs, there are a number of things you should be aware of. This is where the real value comes in to play when talking about golf equipment deals. Do not be mistaken by thinking these are low-grade clubs for the beginner golfer just because they are offered at a third of the price of top selling gear from companies like Callaway, Ping and comparable gear. The best clone golf clubs are made using the same top quality materials.

Whether you are in the market for irons, wedges, putter or woods, buying the best clone golf clubs may very well be the best option for you. If you are the type of person who doesn't give in to popular brand names, but stands by quality and performance, then the low price you will pay for clones will be a big bonus. These clubs are designed to look, feel and perform like the top brand named clubs, but will come to you at up to a third of the price.

Many times, the best clone golf clubs can be custom fitted to your body style and swing. Having them tailored to your specifications will ultimately give you optimal performance on the golf course where you demand it the most. Please take the time to research what clones can do for you before you go out and purchase a set of expensive clubs that may not be right for you, you'll be glad you did. It can save you a lot of money and a lot of unnecessary strokes.


Benefits of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer

Benefits of A Golf Fitness Stretch Trainer

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Hardly any professional worth his name today will dare approach their game without a golf fitness stretch trainer of sorts.  The game of golf has changed tremendously in recent times. No longer is it viewed as the leisure sport of old. Golf is now recognized as an athletic sport where performance depends a lot on your fitness level. Thus the wide introductions of golf fitness stretch trainers and training.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Hardly any professional worth his name today will dare approach their game without a golf fitness stretch trainer of sorts.

The game of golf has changed tremendously in recent times. No longer is it viewed as the leisure sport of old. Golf is now recognized as an athletic sport where performance depends a lot on your fitness level. Thus the wide introductions of golf fitness stretch trainers and training.

Stretch training plays an important role in improving the flexibility of a golfer and therefore the quality of the swing both in terms of controlled direction and much more power and distance.

A golf stretch training program from a qualified golf fitness stretch trainer will also help in increasing strength in the golf-specific muscles of the golfer.

A golf fitness stretch trainer also helps a professional golfer to recognize the correct warm-up exercises to carry out before any session on the course. This not only improves performance greatly, but it also reduces on the risk of injury.

Golf related injuries can be quite frustrating to a golfer especially when that golfer continues to ignore the possible benefits in quick and permanent recovery that are possible with the help of a golf fitness stretch trainer.

There is one compelling factor about golf that makes the work of a golf fitness stretch trainer so important. In other sports, it is possible to increase fitness level and muscle strength by simply playing the game itself as much as possible. Sadly this is not the case with golf. One of the reasons is that the most common and strenuous activity in the game, the golf swing, usually lasts barely a second.

This means that the only way to improve golf fitness and the strength of muscles is by exercising away from the course and generally making use of the services of a golf fitness stretch trainer.


martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Being A Member At A Golf Course Has Its Advantages And Benefits

Being A Member At A Golf Course Has Its Advantages And Benefits

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Joining a golf club has many advantages and benefits, compared to playing at different golf clubs. Lets take a look at some of the benefits and reasons to join a local country club.

(1) Most golf clubs, if not all golf clubs have a handicap tracking system, to keep track of your scores. You do not have to send your scorecard to a golf association for a legitimate handicap, to play in golf tournaments.

(2) Golf clubs have a facility with a locker room and restaurant as ...

golf club,country club,member,golf course,golf

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Joining a golf club has many advantages and benefits, compared to playing at different golf clubs. Lets take a look at some of the benefits and reasons to join a local country club.

(1) Most golf clubs, if not all golf clubs have a handicap tracking system, to keep track of your scores. You do not have to send your scorecard to a golf association for a legitimate handicap, to play in golf tournaments.

(2) Golf clubs have a facility with a locker room and restaurant as a meeting place. Therefore you get to know more fellow members, which make it a lot easier for you to find players to team up with.

(3) You're more likely to drive down to your local country club to practice, than you would at an unfamiliar golf course. More practice, means playing better golf.

(4) Belonging to a golf club makes you play with a better game plan approach, because of the familiarity of the golf course. Being familiar with a golf course and knowing what lies ahead, tends to make you think about your club selection.

(5) The yardage at the golf course on most golf holes becomes embedded in memory, which in turn gives you a better understanding of your golf club yardage capabilities.

(6) A lot of golf clubs have a trade off system, which allows you to play at different golf courses in return for other members from other clubs, to play your golf course.

(7) You are more likely to play in more golf tournaments. Golf clubs have a member's bulletin board, keeping you informed on what upcoming events are coming up.

(8) Once you pay a yearly green fee at a country club, you get to play unlimited golf. Certain days may be restricted for after certain hours.

(9) If you join a golf club that has shares, the shares typically go up on the majority. It may have something to do with the golf frenzy.

(10) Last minute tee times are a lot easier to book, if the pro knows you belong to the golf club. The pro will simply find you other members to join up with. Members enjoy meeting other members of the club.

(11) If you play golf a lot. Belonging to a golf club will save you a lot of money in the long run.

There are numerous advantages and benefits in joining a nearby country club. Check out the phone book, for some local golf courses, or browse the Internet for courses near your hometown. Play a few golf courses first; to see which golf challenge you would enjoy the best.


Beginning golfer shoots lower score.

Beginning golfer shoots lower score.

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Golf is a great way to enjoy time with your family and friends. Whether you play a leisure round of nine holes or are able to enjoy a full round of eighteen holes, the game of golf is rewarding on many levels. A beginning golfer can shoot a resonable score.

golf, beginning golfer, beginning golfer shoots lower score

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Golf is a great way to enjoy time with your family and friends. Whether you play a leisure round of nine holes or are able to enjoy a full round of eighteen holes, the game of golf is rewarding on many levels. The best news is every beginning golfer can shoot a resonable score.

A beginner only needs a handful of items to get started. A few lofted golf clubs, say a nine and seven iron, and a putter. If you want, grab a metal wood, but no more than a five wood. Gather some golf balls, tees, a towel, and throw your stuff in a golf bag. You are ready to play some golf!

You are probably wondering about all the other clubs and why they were left out. They are for the golfer who is ready to mix playing golf with practicing golf. If it makes you feel less awkward, take the full set of clubs with you, just use the ones mentioned until you are comfortable with your golfing abilities. Let me explain myself.

Golf is a sport. Like all other sports a score determines the winner. In golf the lowest score or fewest strokes win. Most people who play sports enjoy competition. Why not learn how to play golf to win from the very beginning. After all an early success will bring you back to the golf course sooner. And I don't know of a better place to be than on a golf course.

If you are playing with others of your same ability you need to learn how to score the lowest. This is why you are only using a few clubs for now. If you can keep the ball moving forward towards the target (the flag) instead of sideways (the direction most beginners hit towards) you will always score lower than you opponent. The clubs that are easiest to hit are the ones with the most loft, your seven and nine iron. These will never travel as far as your opponent's big dog, (their driver or 1 metal) but they have a greater chance of moving the ball in the direction of your target. So it may take you six or seven shots down the fairway to reach the green, chances are your score will be less than your playing opponent when totaled. 

Making solid contact with the golf ball will always win the game. Using the higher lofted clubs will have you hitting the ball with precise contact faster than any other club in the bag, except your putter. When you can stand at address over a golf ball with a seven or nine iron and hit a good shot seven out of nine times you can expand your club selection to any other club. I use this technique when teaching beginners to play and they are my proof that it works. The confidence you gain from hitting good shots by making solid contact will show up with every other club once you master the higher lofted irons.


lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Beginning Golf Instruction tips: Getting a feel for the approach shot

Beginning Golf Instruction tips: Getting a feel for the approach shot

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After mastering the concept of the tee shot, the next step as a golf instruction beginner is to move on to the short game and what are known as approach shots.
For most people, these shots will be increasingly more difficult because they require more skill & patience than a simple tee shot

golf instruction, beginning golf, golf

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After mastering the concept of the tee shot, the next step as a golf instruction beginner is to move on to the short game and what are known as approach shots. For most people, these shots will be increasingly more difficult because they require more skill & patience than a simple tee shot.

There are a variety of approach shots, all of which are used in different situations depending on where your initial shot lands on the course. However, your intention with these shots is always to land on the green.

The pitch shot is an approach shot that is played from farther away than the other shots. Using a wedge, the ideal pitch shot is the perfect combination of enough swing momentum to carry your shot through, but not enough to send it sailing over the green. Trajectory will be low to average depending on how far you are from the cup and you want to make sure the ball doesn't roll too far.

You must start off with a slightly open stance, positioning your right foot directly across from the ball. When following through on a pitch shot, always make sure to keep your backswing as short as you possibly can. Failure to keep your backswing in check will usually cause you to instinctively put the brakes on your shot while accelerating, which is a definite no-no. You want to have enough confidence in your wedge to let the club do the work for you: don't think you have to assist the ball through the air.

Another approach shot is known as the chip shot. You'll need to use a chip shot once you're within about 30 yards from the green, usually after a fairway drive or tee shot. The idea is for this shot to have a much shorter trajectory, so you will need to use a less lofted club. Proper weight distribution is paramount to getting off a decent chip shot. If you're a right handed golfer, you want to put the majority of your weight on the left side and hold this position through the duration of your shot.

There are generally two kinds of chip shots that we want to concern ourselves with. The first one is what's known as the bump-and-run shot, and the second is a flop shot. The Bump And Run is usually taken with an 8, 7 or 6 iron club and with the clubface hooded. That way your shot will have have less loft. You also want to have just enough power in your backswing to follow through. The flop shot is used when you want to get over an obstacle like a rough patch or a sand trap, so you're going to want to have a much higher trajectory in order to push the ball over. Open up your stance and follow through as far under the ball as possible to try and pop it up, and you'll keep your ball away from the danger zones with a good position for a subsequent shot.


Before Purchasing A Gift For A Golfer...Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

Before Purchasing A Gift For A Golfer...Ask Yourself These 3 Questions

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It should be rather clear to everybody that the gift a golfer will ordinarily appreciate the most, is the one that improves their game. Most golfers are constantly looking for ways to improve on their game. It usually dominates their every thought when they are on the course and many times when they are off it.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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It should be rather clear to everybody that the gift a golfer will ordinarily appreciate the most, is the one that improves their game. Most golfers are constantly looking for ways to improve on their game. It usually dominates their every thought when they are on the course and many times when they are off it.

Before selecting a gift for a golfer, it is useful to ask yourself the following 3 questions and to get adequate answers for them. Remember that this is a task that is much more complicated than it may seem at first sight.

A) What is their particular golf weakness? What is the particular weakness of the golfer who you are seeking a gift for? The fact that they have a problem with their golf swing is not goof enough. What particular aspect of the swing? Do they tend to slice the ball or does their swing weakness have to do with a nagging back problem that doctors do not seem able to deal with? This is very important information that you should have long before you even start considering the gift options for a golfer.

B) What are they using currently? Chances are that the golfer has already taken some action to deal with their weakness. It is important to know what they have done so far because you do not want to get a gift for the golfer that they already have.

C) What do the experts think? Expert advice always makes a difference. We have golf exercise experts who can be of great help when you are selecting a gift for as golfer. They will be able to advice you on the best way and therefore the best equipment to correct the particular golfer who you purchasing a gift for.

You will be much better off with them than with the shop assistant or store salesperson whose job is to sell as much merchandise as possible. Their golf knowledge is also bound to be limited and even if it is not, it cannot be compared to that of the golf exercise experts. It will certainly help if you seek expert advice before settling on your gift for the golfer you have in mind.


viernes, 1 de julio de 2011

Basics Of Golf Swing Instruction…Go With Exercises

Basics Of Golf Swing Instruction…Go With Exercises

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Golf swing instruction starts with an understanding of the different segments of the golf swing. Understanding the golf swing segments will give anybody a firm foundation to learn all the tricks of the trade from others and thus be able to understand any golf swing instruction aimed at helping them improve their game.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Golf swing instruction starts with an understanding of the different segments of the golf swing. Understanding the golf swing segments will give anybody a firm foundation to learn all the tricks of the trade from others and thus be able to understand any golf swing instruction aimed at helping them improve their game.

There are actually three segments to the golf swing. The segments are the backswing, the downswing and finally the impact and follow through.

Dividing the swing into these 3 segments helps to apply every individual golf swing instruction or tip to the particular segments where they apply. It also helps the golfer focus on one segment at a time in their golf swing instruction making it easier for them to remember what they learn and also to be able to work on improving their game systematically.

There is another bigger advantage to this approach. And that is the ability to be able to draw ones attention to the many different parts of the body and the many muscles involved in a proper golf swing.

This is important in helping a golfer involved in a golf exercise program to be able to appreciate the different exercises they do in the program and what particular muscles the exercises focus on.

All this makes it a lot easier for any golfer to link their exercises to golf swing instructions they receive as they seek to improve on their game.

Actually it is not possible to divorce the basics of golf swing instruction from golf specific exercises. The two go together and chances of improving your game improve dramatically when you combine the two. On the other hand progress is bound to be much slower when you work on golf swing instruction only.


Bargain Golf Equipment – How To Find The Best Deals On All Your Favorite Golf Equipment

Bargain Golf Equipment – How To Find The Best Deals On All Your Favorite Golf Equipment

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Everyone in this world loves a good bargain, and for golf equipment the song remains the same. The one thing to remember is that bargain doesn't always have to mean cheap, used, or damaged. You can find some really good buys if you just spend a little time and research to find what you're after. Let's look closer at the different avenues to finding some great bargain golf equipment.

Previously Owned Gear

This is a perfect place to start for any golfer just beginning the...


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Everyone in this world loves a good bargain, and for golf equipment the song remains the same. The one thing to remember is that bargain doesn't always have to mean cheap, used, or damaged. You can find some really good buys if you just spend a little time and research to find what you're after. Let's look closer at the different avenues to finding some great bargain golf equipment.

Previously Owned Gear

This is a perfect place to start for any golfer just beginning the game or for someone who doesn't want to spend a small fortune on brand new equipment. There are a number of great places that you can find top notch used equipment. If you think of it like buying a car, the minute that brand new car is driven off the lot its value starts to decrease. But that doesn't mean it won't work as good as it did the day before when it was still on the car lot.

The same theory applies to golf equipment. You can usually get last years equipment that has hardly used for almost half the price. The technology is still just as good as it was last year but you won't have to pay the price for this year's model. There are number of great websites that deal strictly in this type of business. One of them being the ever popular EBAY, another is Callaway Golf Pre-owned and finally GolfClubExchange.com are the three biggest and most popular. You'll be able to find all degrees of used equipment that is priced accordingly.

End of Season

Another place a golfer looking for bargain golf equipment might look is any major golf store. It can be online or a department store. The key to this type of strategy is timing. If you go searching for new equipment near the end of the season a lot of company's will have year end sales where they're looking to give the consumer one last chance at this years equipment at better prices.

But the best time to buy is just after Christmas right before the beginning of the new season. The golf stores will offer huge savings on all the equipment they're trying to clear out to make room for the new stuff coming in for the up coming season. This is where I feel you'll find the best bargains on all types of brand new golf equipment that has never had an owner. This especially holds true for such items as golf shoes and clothing. If you want to save a little money then look for last years models and you'll get some great deals.

Where to Shop

If you're wondering where to go to get these great bargains there's only one place. The internet is the best place to find what ever you're looking for. There's one main reason for shopping online, and that's competition. There are so many online retailers competing for your business you can find some ridiculously low prices. You just have to take your time and look. The best thing about this is you don't have leave the comfort of your own home to find your new gear for this year. The bottom line about bargain golf equipment is to take your time and look in all the right places. You'll find an awesome deal!