jueves, 27 de octubre de 2011

A New Way To Lose Weight From The Orient

A New Way To Lose Weight From The Orient

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Taking a tea, or a proven supplement to assist in weight loss is just one prong in battling weight and fat, but it is necessary to have a healthy diet and to maintain a program of exercise at the same time if we are to continue to keep the extra weight and fat off our bodies. Discover the benefits of taking a Chinese tea as a supplement that may help in weight loss.

lose weight, chinese green team, lose fat, gain muscle

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To try to lessen the bad feelings of being called fat or overweight, we tend to use lesser dreaded and offensive words such as "larger size" and "big" instead of plain "overweight" and "fat". But it took just one comment from a buddy friend, a nurse in the local hospital, to bring home a deep truth. She said, " In my entire life working in this hospital, I have yet to see a fat oriental chinese lady", referring to the patients she has seen seeking treatment in the government hospital.

Of course, it is not true that there are no fat oriental chinese ladies in the world, because fat and overweight are universal issues affecting all races and cultures, irrespective of skin and color. But is there a health secret coming from the Orient that makes the chinese lady generally slimer and slender?

Indeed, recent discoveries in Japan showed that a type of chinese tea called the Okuma's Wu Long tea together with a healthy diet and exercise revealed that people who regularly consumed this tea experienced over TWICE the calorie-burning results of those who drank the same amount of authentic Japanese green tea. Drinking this Wu Long tea 15 minutes before eating carbohydrates also helped blunt the rise in insulin that normally comes after eating food that contained a lot of carbohydrates. As carbohydrates causes weight gain by increasing insulin levels, drinking this tea helps to control weight gain.

Like other teas as well, Japan's Shiga University of Medical Science found that drinking Wu-Long tea also daily dramatically clears up skin eczema within just one month, and helps in reducing free radicals, and lower the risk of infections such as the common cold.

Indeed, in the ancient chinese pharmaceutical book "Bencao Shiyi "(The Compendium of Materia Medica), it is said that tea "will make one live long and stay in good shape." Tea, particularly the oriental Wu-Long tea that comes from China's Fujian Province has been used by countless generations of ladies to help melt away body fat, boost energy and even clarify the skin, and these newer scientific discoveries in Japan seem to indicate that it is possible to drink away pounds of unwanted body fat and loose inches from the waistline.

Teas are just a form of natural supplements to help in weight management and fat loss. Taking a supplement to assist in weight loss is just one prong in battling weight and fat, but it is necessary to have a healthy diet and to maintain a program of exercise at the same time if we are to continue to keep the extra weight and fat off our bodies. Therefore, selection of a good supplement, having a balanced diet and having a fitness program will go a long way to get your weight down.


miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2011

18 Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

18 Ways To Lose Weight Without Going On A Diet

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To lose one pound of body weight in a week, a person must consume about 500 fewer calories than he or she burns each day. Here are 18 ways to lose weight without going on a diet.

1. Instead of drinking orange juice at breakfast, eat a whole orange. You'll save about 45 calories.

2. Make your breakfast omelette with four egg whites plus 1/4 cup egg substitute. Replace regular bacon with Canadian bacon to save even more calories.

3. Switch from whole milk to nonfat or ...

ways to lose weight,lose weight,weight loss

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To lose one pound of body weight in a week, a person must consume about 500 fewer calories than he or she burns each day. Here are 18 ways to lose weight without going on a diet.

1. Instead of drinking orange juice at breakfast, eat a whole orange. You'll save about 45 calories.

2. Make your breakfast omelette with four egg whites plus 1/4 cup egg substitute. Replace regular bacon with Canadian bacon to save even more calories.

3. Switch from whole milk to nonfat or lowfat milk. Use sugar substitute instead of sugar in your morning coffee or latte.

4. At lunch, use mustard instead of mayonnaise on your sandwich to save 100 calories (per tablespoon) . Eliminate the cheese and save 100 more calories.

5. Instead of a Big Mac and large fries, go for a plain hamburger and a small french fry and save a whopping 590 calories!

6. Don't eat potato chips at snack time. Have an apple instead for less calories plus the added benefit of more fiber.

7. Substitute diet cola or iced tea for your usual soda. You'll save 150-200 calories per drink.

8. Eat every two to three hours with smaller portions. Don't skip breakfast! Eating small, frequent meals keeps blood glucose levels stable and minimizes the impulse to overeat.

9. Eat more healthy snacks like dried fruits and nuts, fresh fruits, cut up veggies or yogurt.

10. Substitute whole grain foods for white bread, rice and cereals. You will not only cut fat and calories, but whole grains have been proven to reduce the risk of colon cancer by increasing the fiber that your body needs.

11. Saute meat, chicken and vegetables in broth instead of butter. And speaking of butter: replace it with nonfat sour cream on baked potatoes.

12. Instead of Caesar salad, substitute a dinner sald with nonfat salad dressing.

13. Do you love pasta? Have spaghetti with marinara sauce instead of fettuccini with Alfredo sauce. You'll save at least 500 calories!

14. When you're going out with friends, watch your alcohol intake. Instead of using Coke or Seven-Up with your drinks, choose tonic water or seltzer.

15. Restaurants are notorious for their huge serving sizes. Eat only half of your dinner and save the rest for lunch tomorrow. Or simply share the meal with a friend.

16. Get moving. Walk to the store instead of driving. Walking is the best exercise you can do to lose weight.

17. Get more walking time by replacing coffee breaks with exercise breaks. Also use half of your lunch break to take a brisk walk with a co-worker.

18. Swim, swim, swim. By swimming for just an hour you can burn 500 calories. You'll also end up with a firmer, more toned body.

You don't have to go on a strict diet to lose weight. Change to more sensible eating habits and start moving your body by walking, swimming or bicycle riding. You'll be rewarded by good health and a fit body.


miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

Building A Repeatable Swing Like Tiger Woods

Building A Repeatable Swing Like Tiger Woods

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Tiger Woods hits his irons straighter and more accurately than most pros. By swinging the club exactly the same way, he's able to repeat his golf swing again and again and again. The more he repeats his swing, the more often he generates predictable results. For Tiger, predictable results mean more tournament wins and higher earnings. For the rest of us, it means better scores and lower golf handicaps.

Building a repeatable swing is ultimately the goal of all golf instruct...



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Tiger Woods hits his irons straighter and more accurately than most pros. By swinging the club exactly the same way, he's able to repeat his golf swing again and again and again. The more he repeats his swing, the more often he generates predictable results. For Tiger, predictable results mean more tournament wins and higher earnings. For the rest of us, it means better scores and lower golf handicaps.

Building a repeatable swing is ultimately the goal of all golf instruction. The secret to producing a repeatable swing with your irons is keeping the clubface square to the swing path. Failing to do so forces you to make compensatory moves to return the clubface square to the ball.

Five other keys to building a repeatable swing are

Staying connected:
One common factor among good players, in addition to low golf handicaps, is "staying connected" during the swing. In other words, good players feature a one-piece takeaway from the ball, which I often stress in my golf tips and golf lessons. Staying connected means that everything—your club hands, arms, and shoulders—moves away from the ball in unison as you start your backswing, ensuring that the clubhead travels on a wide arc away from the ball.

Set the club on the correct plane
A repeatable swing sets the club on the correct plane. To do so, hinge or cock your wrists as you move into the backswing. As your arms continue to swing upward and your body to turn, the wrists point the clubhead skyward while your left shoulder replaces the right shoulder at address. The angle of the shaft to the ball stays the same and the clubhead remains square to the swing's path.

Swing into the top slot
As the top of the backswing, your club moves into "the slot" position, where the club's shaft is horizontal to the ground and parallel to the target line. Also, the clubface's angle matches your arm angle. Known as square or neutral, this is the ideal position to aim for at the top of the backswing. In addition, your original spine angle and your head position remain the same as at address. Your shoulders are turned 90 degrees, while your hips are turned 45 degrees. Most of your weight is over the right foot and you feel resistance in your right knee and right thigh.

Retain the force of the swing
Settle your weight smoothly back on your left side and start to unwind the upper body, as you move into the downswing. Also, drop your right elbow (for right handers) down to your side. This flattens the swing slightly. (This is Herb Pennick's "Magic Move," which I've previously covered in my golf tips.). As you shift your weight to the left side, your right heel comes off the ground slightly. Try retaining the 90 degree angle between your left wrist and the club's shaft as long as possible. Your hands lead the club into the ball at impact.

Open your shoulders at impact
It's a common belief that your shoulders should return to a square position at impact. I always address this point when giving golf lessons. In fact, your shoulders should occupy a slightly open position at impact, ensuring that the club has the room needed to travel on the correct path through the ball. In short, your body has to "get out of the way" for consistent ball striking with your irons. Finish with a balanced follow-through.

Also, important in building a repeatable swing is striking the ball cleanly and crisply. Work on this drill to improve your ballstriking. It's a staple of my golf instruction.

• Start by assuming the ideal impact position at address with one of your irons. Start by shifting your weight onto the left side (for right-handers) and lift the right heel off the ground a fraction. The hips and shoulders are slightly open with the head over the ball, creating the feeling of a good impact position. Now, move into the back swing, shifting your weight to the right side. Return your weight to the left side, swinging the club down and through at impact. Move through the swing to a balanced position, with your weight on your front foot.

Practice this drill again and again and again until you feel yourself swinging the club the same way. Building that repeatable swing produces accuracy, consistency, and a lower golf handicap. Yours may not look like Tiger's but it can produce more consistent and better results.



Buying the Best Clubs for Beginners


Buying the Best Clubs for Beginners

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A new set of clubs for beginners is  really  not  necessary;  in
fact the higher end clubs can be a hindrance on your game.  Golf
is unique in the  fact  that  the  sport  requires  a  group  of
instruments, and equipment to play in  full.  Many  sports  like
baseball or basketball just require a few items that are used by
an entire team. Golf  being  an  individual  sport  this  aspect
changes into a need for the right set of clubs.

golf, golfer, golfing, golf club, golf skills, golf tips

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A new set of clubs for beginners is really not necessary; in fact the higher end clubs can be a hindrance on your game. Golf is unique in the fact that the sport requires a group of instruments, and equipment to play in full. Many sports like baseball or basketball just require a few items that are used by an entire team. Golf being an individual sport this aspect changes into a need for the right set of clubs.

Golf clubs are broken down into sets of complete or incomplete, as well as irons, woods, drivers, putters, wedges, and hybrids. Golf clubs can be purchased in any combination of the above, but typically for beginners it is good to start with the entire set.  Also women's clubs are sold as sets, but typically differ from men's clubs in size. Golf clubs in sets typically come with a bag that has stands on it, so it can rest on itself while you are taking your shots. Also golf sets occasionally will come with tops for the heads, as well as towels, umbrellas, and even balls.

Golf club sets can be purchased at a number of places. In order of price, most expensive to least, you can buy clubs at a pro shop; this will be your most expensive option. You can also buy clubs at sporting good stores, or golf specialty stores. For those bargain shoppers you can purchase a full set of clubs at Wal Mart, or even your local thrift store. For the internet shopper's eBay offers a great selection of new and used golf club sets.

The cost for a set of clubs can vary from less than $100 for an entire set, to over $10,000 for the high end clubs. Typically golfers can buy a decent set of clubs for $400 depending on where they are shopping. High end clubs are often bought in singles, thus making it more costly to purchase a set. One driver can cost over $1,000 at a local pro shop.

The term you get what you pay for isn't true in the world of golf clubs. Unlike cars, or computers, typically golf clubs can be beneficial at a low cost. Further, many prefer cheaper clubs, or used clubs, because they offer a more standard weight and grip. Golf clubs are uniquely made out of several different materials, and can vary depending on a user's preference. The cheaper clubs have a level feel to them, and don't offer too much of any one element. If a beginner spends a large amount of money on an ultra light driver, it could be too light for them to learn the basics of their swing, this actually prohibiting them from learning the basics.

Overall it's important to start off with a modest set of clubs until your game advances to levels that call for new clubs. Plus with all the money you save you can buy your significant other a set, and make a date at the course.


lunes, 17 de octubre de 2011

Power Inversion Tables, Great For Bad Backs


Power Inversion Tables, Great For Bad Backs

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Inversion tables are used by thousands of people to help them relieve their back pain. There are many sizes as well as models which are available. Depending upon your comfort factor, you can easily purchase an inversion table. These inversion tables can be purchased from many websites on the Internet or you can also purchase from a store. Please look for all the features before you decide that this is the best inversion table for you.

As a beginner you should invert the ta...

inversion tables

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Inversion tables are used by thousands of people to help them relieve their back pain. There are many sizes as well as models which are available. Depending upon your comfort factor, you can easily purchase an inversion table. These inversion tables can be purchased from many websites on the Internet or you can also purchase from a store. Please look for all the features before you decide that this is the best inversion table for you.

As a beginner you should invert the table to 20 - 30 degrees only. This should be done for at least 2-3 weeks before you can start inverting the table to 60 degrees or more. This is important such that while inverting there is no back pain. You should also get comfortable with operating the table and shouldn't be under any tension while being on an inversion table. When you are really fit, only then can you start inverting 90 degrees. This is called the expert level.

Some of the advantages of an inversion table are that it reduces back pain as well as helps to relieve the tension from the back. The circulation in the body improves and it increases the flexibility of the muscles as well as the joints. Note the warranty period of the inversion table when buying it. Many companies such as Teeter Hang Ups give up to 5 years warranty. It should also be remembered that they provide an after sales service and have a qualified team to do so.

Along with inversion table, you may also receive a DVD on how to use the inversion table properly. If done under improper guidance or supervision, you are likely to cause yourself injury. Also look for the additional features that may be provided and take a demonstration before you actually purchase an inversion table.

Regular use can be all you need.


domingo, 9 de octubre de 2011

Effortless Distance With Your Golf Swing

Effortless Distance With Your Golf Swing

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In a nutshell, when is comes to getting the most efficient distance out of your golf shot, the timing element is the timing of the release of the stored energy that has amassed during the process of your golf swing.

golf tips, golf, golf instruction, basic golf, golf swing, golfing, golfer

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Many times when you hear people talking about getting the most distance out of their drives or irons, you probably hear the word timing used as they talk about how to achieve this. Or, when you watch the professionals play (especially in person) the distance they achieve seems to come so effortlessly and smooth.
Although a discussion of the entire golf swing isn't within the scope of this article, let's talk about the timing. Timing is a word that is often bantered about when discussing the golf swing and more precisely achieving maximum distance; but timing of what? And how do I achieve it?

In a nutshell, when is comes to getting the most efficient distance out of your golf shot, the timing element is the timing of the release of the stored energy that has amassed during the process of your golf swing.

Again, for the purposes of this article, let's fast forward just a bit to the point where you are at the top of your golf swing. At this point, if all has gone well, your left arm will straight. The relationship between the club and your wrists will be 90 degrees (wrists will be cocked). Your hips will have rotated approximately 45 degrees away from their original address position, while your shoulders have rotated more toward a 90 degree posture. Essentially, you are in somewhat of a 'coiled' position at the top of your back swing.

At this position, you have accumulated your stored energy. Except additional energy that will be stored and released rapidly as your shaft flexes and un-flexes, this is what you have to work with.

Now that you have all this energy stored up, how and when to release it is on of us golfers greatest conundrum. This power that you now possess is but a fleeting thing, and one must apply it at the proper moment in order to achieve the desired results.

Unfortunately, from this position at the top of the back swing is where the vast amount of golfers goes wrong; and that is the first movement they make back toward the ball is with the hands and arms. If you do this, a vast amount of your stored energy has now been released and not available to be applied to the golf ball. When you do this, you lose the angle created between your wrists and your club. You lose the angle that you have created between your shoulder and your hips. In essence, (among other things) you have begun uncoiling way to early.

Among other things, in its simplest form, this type of action is generally called swinging or releasing from the top or casting the club. Aside from grossly leaking energy from your swing this will cause and outside in swing path, and more often than not produce some severity of slice.

But, let's stay strictly within the confines of energy and timing. If, from the top of your swing, you begin the ascent of your golf swing toward the impact zone from the ground up and maintain the aforementioned angles we discussed much longer, you'll be well on your way to applying the energy of your swing at the proper moment (not to mention your swing path will be much more desirable).

From the top of your swing, the weight beginning to transfer from your back instep toward your front foot is what initiates the downswing. Not your hands, not your shoulders, not a spinning motion with your hips. As your weigh begins to move toward your front side, your hips will follow by beginning to release (uncoil) from the angle they had attained at the top of the swing. As the hips begin to uncoil and continue to follow the weight shift your shoulders and arms will naturally follow. Note that I said naturally. You shouldn't be consciously firing your arms and shoulders to catch up. If you do, once again, you have just spent more of your stored energy.

As the weight shifts, the hips follow with rotation and the shoulders and arms now begin to follow suit, your wrists should still be in a 'cocked' position in relationship to the club. In other words, this angle is still maintained.

As your left hip clears, this imparts a tremendous amount of pressure for your upper body to catch up. And catch up it will in a big way. With you hips cleared and your belly beginning to point down the target line, you shoulders will follow through the hitting zone and finally your arms and hands will be naturally force to release in a dramatic fashion through the impact zone. As all this happens the shaft of your club will have a pretty fair amount of flex imparted on it. This is easily discernable if you look at a slow motion or still photo view of the club coming into the impact zone.

It is at this point, with the shaft flexed that the right hand begins to release (and eventually pronate) that is the culmination of releasing all this stored energy upon the golf ball with the proper timing.

In a sense, the release of the energy which entails the hips following the initiated weight shift, followed by the upper body responding to the hips uncoiling, that then begins to lead the arms and hands down the target line and through the hitting zone until finally the hands can no longer remain 'cocked' and they release the club naturally as a result of rapidly catching up to the rest of what the body has done.

In summary it is the arms and hands that complete the release of your stored energy NOT initiate it from the top of your swing. As you begin to bring this concept together it may actually feel to you as though your arms and hand are 'trailing' the rest of your swing. And in sense they are… they are waiting for the precise timing. And the great thing is, is that the physics of this will all take place quite naturally once you begin to refine the mechanics of your golf swing with your teaching professional. And with some practice you'll soon be able to let the natural forces and physics of a good golf swing apply the proper timing to the golf ball in a smooth and effortless… longer distance manner.


sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Effective Golf Training Equipment Isn’t What You Think

Effective Golf Training Equipment Isn't What You Think

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If you are like most golfers, you have purchased hundreds of dollars of golf training equipment. How many gimmicky golf training aids do you have lying around?  Now I want you to picture something.  Put all the training aids together in your mind and picture using them all at the same time. What do you think would be the results?

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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If you are like most golfers, you have purchased hundreds of dollars of golf training equipment. How many gimmicky golf training aids do you have lying around?

Now I want you to picture something.

Put all the training aids together in your mind and picture using them all at the same time. What do you think would be the results?

I don't think it would be pretty and that's my point.

It's so easy to look for the 'magic bullet'. But the magic bullet is staring you in the face. You heard that right, it's YOU!

You swing the club and play the game…so why wouldn't you spend the time and money on improving YOU?

So stop buying the latest greatest training aid and focus on improving your own physical limitations.

So let's get back to golf training equipment.

I'd like to make a couple of suggestions.

I'm all for swinging a weighted club. You couldn't get more golf-specific than that. That would be a purchase that will give you a high return.

Next on the list would be exercise tubing. It only costs approximately $20-$25 and would be another very wise investment.

The beauty of tubing is the ability to break down the golf swing into as many phases as you like and do resistance (tubing) training specific to that phase.

The next piece of golf training equipment is the stability ball. Any golfer with a bad back should have one.

You can do so many stretches on it, and you can have this in your office, home or even when you travel since it's deflatable.

And lastly, hand weights. Another term is dumbbells. You can do dozens of golf-specific exercises with a simple pair of dumbbells. The cost is 50 cents a pound and they are very portable.

Other than the above golf training equipment, you could get one, maybe two trainings aids specific to your swing fault.

For example, if you're a slicer, the Inside Approach is a great device to use right on the range.

But dump all the old, ineffective training aids you have in your garage and focus on what will give you the greatest return on investment (both time and money).

And remember; if you are doing something that's not working…stop! Move onto something new and different. Don't get in a rut. Catch yourself before this happens.

Effective Golf Fitness Equipment

Effective Golf Fitness Equipment

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Golf fitness equipment is designed to help a golfer build strength in certain muscles so as to improve their golf game and lower their scores.  The problem is that there are so many different golf fitness equipment in the market these days that it is difficult to identify the really effective ones and the duds or inappropriate ones. The situation is hardly helped by the fact that clever marketing is usually put to use in promoting a vast majority of golf fitness equipment.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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Golf fitness equipment is designed to help a golfer build strength in certain muscles so as to improve their golf game and lower their scores.

The problem is that there are so many different golf fitness equipment in the market these days that it is difficult to identify the really effective ones and the duds or inappropriate ones.

The situation is hardly helped by the fact that clever marketing is usually put to use in promoting a vast majority of golf fitness equipment. The result is that many disappointed golfers have ended up with loads of the stuff in their garages that has hardly improved their game.

In fact you would find some who would confidently tell you that their game has gotten worse rather than better.

Golf fitness equipment that I have found to be very effective is the weighted club. This is a very golf-specific piece of equipment because one ends up going through the exact same motions you do with an ordinary club but with more weight.

This greatly helps in strengthening and conditioning all the relevant muscles used in the golf swing.

The inside approach is another great golf fitness equipmentto help improve any golf swing. This particular device is extremely useful for slicers and helps deal with this problem fairly quickly.

As golf fitness equipment,exercise tubing is very affordable and yet very effective. The strength of this device is in its' ability to break down the golf swing into as many different phases as you would like to focus on for the sake of improvements. It offers specific resistance training for each phase.

Golf exercise balls are the sort of golf fitness equipment that any golfer with a bad back should have. There are almost countless different stretch exercises that you can with it.

And what makes this golf training aid even more attractive is the fact that you can do your exercises in the office or at home when you have a moment.

Simple dumbbells can also be very useful golf fitness equipment to have around.


viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Drivers and Fairway Woods

Drivers and Fairway Woods

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Whether you are a professional or an amateur golfer, Drivers and Fairway woods are the words that you must have heard thousand times.  In simple words drivers are the commonly known golf sticks especially designed for short shots.

Feel Golf, golf accessory canada, Golf Drivers, Fairway Woods, Full Release, Golf Grips, Golf Clubs,

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Whether you are a professional or an amateur golfer, Drivers and Fairway woods are the words that you must have heard thousand times.  In simple words drivers are the commonly known golf sticks especially designed for short shots.

You will find number of golf drivers in the market made up of Titanium, Copper, Carbon, Nickel and some other alloys.  These alloys provides hardest look to the golf driver.   Almost all golf drivers available in the market are built with an idea of compression golf ball at impact.  Golf drivers with flexible face, designed to eliminate energy at impact, are considered better for improvement of game. 

Golf Drivers are considered as the longest club.  Presently golf drivers with 45 inches length are common.  This length factor makes it difficult to control the swing.  On the other side shorter clubs are known as fairway woods, generally referred to as fairway metals.  Materials used for manufacturing both golf drivers and fairway woods are same.  These fairway woods posses the proprietary of progressiveness like irons.  There are different types of fairway woods like 3-wood, 4-wood, 5-wood, 7-wood and 9-wood.  One may rarely find a 2-wood.  These fairways woods may decide the distance the golf club go after hit. 

Usually fairway woods have smaller heads comparing to golf drivers.  This aspect makes fairway woods easier than drivers when it comes to controlling the swing.   It is advisable for beginners to opt for fairway woods instead of trying to use a driver.  You can use the fairway to hit the driver if you are a skilled golfer.  Greater lofts and smaller heads of fairway woods help in hitting the ball high into the air.   Fairway woods are convenient to handle than long drivers and are used basically by amateur golfers and beginners.  The main purpose of both drivers and fairway woods is to strike the club.  In simple words drivers are used to hit the ball on the upswing and fairway wood is used to hit the club at swing bottom.

Fairway woods consists of large heads, bulging clubface, flattened soles sliding over the ground and are spherical in shape.  In the past club-heads were made from persimmon and maple wood.  Club heads in the present era are made from metal alloys and hence are termed as metal-woods.   Senior players and ladies prefer fairway woods that are higher lofted.  It is so because fairway woods give them easier hit to the club while hitting the club high in the air at lower speed.

Shaft length of fairway wood may differ from 40 inches to 45 inches. 
The longest version of club is termed as driver.  Drivers have bigger club-head. Drivers are mainly used for hit off the tee.   Skilled golfers can hit drivers from the turf.  The standard length of driver is 45 inches. 

You may choose a driver or a fairway wood according to your skills and style.  Some skilled golfers prefer shorter shafts which facilitates them to use it easily despite the fact that shorter shafts are likely to reduce the distance.  Usually fairway woods are fitted with graphite shafts considering their light weight.  This light weight enables golfers to accelerate higher club-head speed and achieve longer distance.  The USGA approved length of the shaft is 47 inches.  However, you may find some fairway woods with shaft length of up-to 50 inches.  These longer shaft woods are used for long drive tournaments but are illegal.       

It is evident that success and improvement of your game depends upon the right club may it be drivers or fairway woods.


Dressing to Win Your Golf Game

Dressing to Win Your Golf Game

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Golf is about patience, vision, and what you wear. That's right, what you wear can have a major effect on your game.  Golf is a unique game that doesn't always spell out a specific dress uniform for golfers, but if you aren't thinking about what to wear your game can suffer. Included below are some tips for golfers of any age, and a ability to improve their game by selectively choosing what they wear.

golf, golf dressing, glof game, golf skill

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Golf is about patience, vision, and what you wear. That's right, what you wear can have a major effect on your game.  Golf is a unique game that doesn't always spell out a specific dress uniform for golfers, but if you aren't thinking about what to wear your game can suffer. Included below are some tips for golfers of any age, and a ability to improve their game by selectively choosing what they wear.

Starting at the top of the body, wearing a hat has become acceptable in golf. In the 1980's it was visors, in the 1990's it was hats, and in the 2000's it's all about hats. Tiger Woods made a statement by always wearing his signature Nike hat, and it's not just for style. Hats can help block out the sun, which can help you improve your shot. Hats are also good was to keep your eyes confined from other players. Got a secret putting trick that you do with your eyes? Now you don't need to let others see it, because your hat obstructs their view. Hats also can help on colder days by keeping the head warm. When the temperature drops many golfers lose their focus, by wearing your hat and keeping your head warm, your focus can always be on the game.

Golf requires a collard shirt that is as far as many clubs will instruct you what to wear. While it is important to wear a collard shirt for requirement reasons, it is also important to be selective in the shirt you select. The number one thing for golfers to consider when purchasing a golf shirt is the room it offers in the shoulders. As most experience golfers will tell you most of the swing is in the shoulders. If you are wearing a golf shirt that obstructs this part of your swing, you can be in for a long day. Conversely golfers do not want to wear baggy shirts that may also interfere with their game. Choose a comfortable shirt that will fit normal.

Pants are also required on the course for gentlemen. Your pants should have pockets. This may sound elementary, but many a golfer has left the store mad because they don't have pockets. You'll need pockets for your score card, tees, wallet, and what ever else you choose to bring. Be sure to purchase pants that are light weight and made of a material that won't irate you in the sun. For example pick light weight cotton versus a wool pant. Pants also should be a comfortable fit.

Shoes in golf maybe the most important article you wear to the course. For maximum tread you need to purchase soft spiked golf shoes. These are the shoes that have soft rubber spikes naturally built into the shoe, not the metal kind. Shoes should be comfortable, and fit very well. Fit is especially important in golf because if you walk the course in shoes that don't fit, your feet will develop blisters. Blisters can distract you from your game, and put you in the rough quick.

Overall your golf clothing choices should reflect thought, and have a theme of comfort. You want to be able to perform your best, but if you're just picking things out of the closet you may end up playing worse than you could with some golf specific gear.


jueves, 6 de octubre de 2011

Don't Let A Golf Injury Keep You Away From The Game

Don't Let A Golf Injury Keep You Away From The Game

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The golf swing puts tremendous stress on the joints of the lower back, hips and even the shoulders.  As many mature golfers anticipate the opportunity to play even more golf, they are confronted with the limitations of their failing bodies.   Driven to stay in the game, many are realizing the importance of golf conditioning.

golf,golf swing,golf trainer,golf workouts,golf exercises,golf fitness,golf lessons,golf instruction,golf tips

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The golf swing puts tremendous stress on the joints of the lower back, hips and even the shoulders.

As many mature golfers anticipate the opportunity to play even more golf, they are confronted with the limitations of their failing bodies.

Driven to stay in the game, many are realizing the importance of golf conditioning.

With age comes a decrease in muscle mass, range of motion, body awareness (balance) and muscular endurance.

The good news is men and women older than the age of 50 can build strength and develop muscle at the same rate as adults much younger than them, according to a 1996 study conducted by Wayne Wescott, who co-wrote, "Strength Training Past 50".

This is the time period that can make or break your future golfing life.

You may be surprised to learn that:

* More than 60 percent of amateur golfers sustained one or more golf-related injuries over the course of their playing years.
* The above number was higher for players over the age of fifty.
* The average injury kept the amateur golfer off the course for more than five weeks.
* The highest percentage was the lower back, then the elbow,wrist,shoulder and so on.

The bottom line...take care of the most important equipment you've got... YOU!


Don't Get Ripped Off On Golf Vacations

Don't Get Ripped Off On Golf Vacations

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Quick tips to avoid getting ripped of on golf trips.

golf trip

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Whether it's a quick weekend getaway or a 10 day golf adventure to the Caribbean, there is one thing in common with all golf trips and vacations… rip-offs are common.

Here are a few things to be careful of when booking your next golf trip.

1. Cart Fees.
Many courses will require you to rent a cart, even though your package deal never mentioned it. Make sure you know up front if cart fees are included and or required.

2. Course Surcharges
You may be offered to "upgrade" to a better course when you arrive at your destination. This is a common practice in many areas. The fact is that the course you "upgrade" to in many cases will not be any better than the course you are booked on.

3. Internet Deals
Many golf trips these days are sold by internet resellers. The price may be right, but they have no idea of the local market. They are selling a commodity and could care less what other events are happening in the area or what local conditions are. Dealing with local people in the area you plan to visit will eliminate many of these surprises.

4. Do you need a "package" deal?
You will find that package deals sometimes will cost you more than just booking a hotel and a "golf" market and winging it. Once you book your accommodations, the concierge or front desk will be able to direct you to the best deals. This works especially during the off peak times. So many people get involved in the package deals that the prices can be increased by 50-75% over what it would cost you to book it yourself.

To save a ton of money, call the local area Better Business Bureau (all the offices are online at bbb.com) and ask for information on the local public courses. In addition just Google "Golf In …), you will come up with a ton of options.


martes, 4 de octubre de 2011

Do You Want To Play Par Golf?

Do You Want To Play Par Golf?

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The key to playing par golf is to focus on more than just golf techniques, and pay attention to your entire body. Fitness is key to any sport, whether you're running up and down a basketball court, throwing a football or playing the links. Without a proper fitness routine, your body is not going to be able to deliver the results you need.

par golf, golf fitness, golf exercises, golf trainer, golf core, golf program

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The key to playing par golf is to focus on more than just golf techniques, and pay attention to your entire body. Fitness is key to any sport, whether you're running up and down a basketball court, throwing a football or playing the links. Without a proper fitness routine, your body is not going to be able to deliver the results you need.

When it comes to golf, there are four basic elements to good fitness: balance, flexibility, strength and endurance. You will want to assess how well you currently perform in each of these categories to determine how you should plan your fitness routine. If you find that one area poses difficulties for you, you will want to begin slowly in that area and work up to harder exercises and stretches. As with any new fitness routine, make sure your doctor has cleared you to begin.

Balance is essential in golf. Golfers who have exceptional balance will have more efficient reaction times and movement speed, because improved balance allows them to execute weight transfer and hip rotation without jeopardizing a stable address position.

Flexibility allows your muscles to extend through their full range of motion when you swing; it is actually the single most important physical characteristic likely to influence your golf swing. If your body is tight in any one area, your swing is going to be hindered and swing compensations begin.

Strength is what provides you with power behind your swing and distance to your drive. In addition, adding strength to your "golf muscles" will help prevent injury. In golf, focus on your "go" muscles and not your "show" muscles.

Finally, endurance is what keeps your game in peak performance whether you are teeing off on the first hole or sinking a putt on the last hole. If you have stamina and endurance, you can count on a good performance throughout your game and not worry about fatigue setting in midway through.

All of these areas can be addressed through exercises and stretches incorporated into a fitness routine. Once your body can meet the demands of your golf game, you have a basis to build upon by perfecting techniques and skills. Together, these tasks will turn you into a par golfer.


Do You Need A Golf Travel Bag?

Do You Need A Golf Travel Bag?

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When driving the short distance to your favorite local golf course, a golf travel bag isn't necessary. But when traveling by airplane or long distance driving, a regular golf bag won't offer the protection your clubs need.

golf,golfing,golf travel bags,golf travel,golf travel cases,travel,traveling,golf tips

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When driving the short distance to your favorite local golf course, a golf travel bag isn't necessary. But when traveling by airplane or long distance driving, a regular golf bag won't offer the protection your clubs need.

How much are your golf clubs worth to you? Some of us have expensive custom made clubs, while others own a more affordable set. Whatever the retail value--our own clubs are what help us play our best game, so they are valuable to us. That's why the Pros always bring their own clubs on tour.

Enjoy playing golf on that holiday trip by doing what you can to protect your clubs from damage while traveling. Here are a few tips when trying to choose the best golf travel bag for your situation.

Hard Travel Cases

The case is a hard plastic shell that provides the most protection from drops and falls. These are the ideal choice when traveling by air. You won't be able to carry your clubs on the plane with you, so you'll want the best protection you can get with the baggage handling process involved. It can get rough down there!

Soft Travel Cases

Made from more pliant fabric, these are more car friendly since the outer shell is more flexible. Look for bags that use double stitching as this provides a sturdier hold.


Carry your golf travel bag around for a bit and you'll be wishing it had wheels. Imagine walking what seems like miles through a busy airport while carrying your golf clubs--inline wheels are a must.

Handles & Straps

Look for sturdy, double stitched handles and straps that will easily hold the weight against pulling and lifting.


Watch that the bag has some amount of foam padding. This will absorb much of the shock from a drop or from heavy banging.

Traveling and playing with our own golf clubs beats renting clubs hands down! By using a golf travel case, you'll be protecting your clubs from damage and ensuring you have them when you need them most--on the golf course!

Permissions: Feel free to use and reprint this article on the condition that all content, links and anchor text are kept intact and unaltered in any way.


lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Tips To Improve Your Golf

Tips To Improve Your Golf

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If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.

golf tips, used golf clubs, discount golf clubs, golf cart accessories, golf course property, golf course cooling, golf advertising, golf swing tips, golf club travel case, golf equipment reviews

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It's when you start to play golf that you learn fastest. If you have bad golfing habits today, you probably learned them when you first took up golf. But the good news is that anyone can break bad habits and learn good ones. Here are a couple of tips to help you on your way to playing better golf.

1. Your aim is vitally important. If you can't send the ball in the right direction you will never get it in any of the holes. The clubface is the only thing that propels the ball, so line up the clubface with the target first, then take your stance with your shoulders parallel to the target line.

2. Always aim away from potential problems. Tee the ball on the side where the problem is. This will help to keep the ball in play and avoid penalties.

3. Bad wrist action equals a bad shot in 90 percent of cases. Keep the left wrist flat in relation to the back of the left forearm and the back of the left hand, and don't swing the club back farther than shoulder turn.

4. Read the green properly. A golf ball will generally roll away from a hill and towards a water source. So, keep this in mind and adjust as necessary.

5. The grain of the green is important too as it effects the roll. Shiny grass show the grain running away from you, and dull grass highlights the grain running towards you. Putts with the grain go faster and further. Those against the grain go slower and less far.

6. Your shoulders should follow your swing. They should be passive and not lead. Remember that your shoulder movement will determine the direction that your club, and therefore the ball, will travel.

7. Place the golf ball on the ground and take your stance in such a way that the shadow of your head covers the ball. Make your swing keeping your eyes on the shadow. If the shadow moves off the ball you have lost the proper swing center. If you keep the shadow on the ball, even though it moves a little, you have maintained the correct swing position.


Keys to Selecting The Right Golf School


Keys to Selecting The Right Golf School

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There are many criteria to selecting the school that is worthy of the investment, and this is not an exhaustive list. However, consider these to get you focused on what is important to you.

golf school, golf instruction, golf swing

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Copyright 2006 J Lance Curtis

There are many criteria to selecting the school that is worthy of the investment, and this is not an exhaustive list. However, consider these to get you focused on what is important to you.

Key #1) Golfing style 
As with any topic or subject matter to learn, golf can be played in many styles. Most of them based on your personality and skill level. Some play aggressively, others, like me, more conservatively. But ultimately you have to choose a school or instructor that matches you.

Your skills, your personality, your style.

Key #2) Problem areas  
I have trouble with slicing. Consistently I find that my shots slice to the right. You, to be sure, have at least one issue with your game or specific shots.    You may want to find a school to address and help correct that shortcoming. If you come back from a long weekend and your slice has vanished, you would have had time (and money) well spent.

Key #3) Instructor to class-size ratio 
This is a personal preference item. Some people learn in a group setting (even craze the interaction). Others of you need the attention that a one or two person class offers. It may also depend on what you are trying to gain from the school which one you actually choose.

Key #4) Price 
For some this may not be an issue. Golf is your life and no amount of money is too much if you improve your game, and thus your enjoyment. For others, big obstacle. If you are considering a golf school then you know that most start above $1500. There are some "big name" instructors offering half day lessons for $10,000.

You know your budget. If you are price sensitive then, by all means, do not forget to add in travel, lodging, and food costs. Many times these "incidentals" can double the overall cost.

Key #5)  Proximity 
What is your traveling distance? Is your schedule tight so slipping off within 100 miles for a half day lesson is all you can squeeze. Or, are you planning your school around a vacation so distance is not really an issue. One plus of keeping tabs on those schools "in your own backyard" is when these offer last-minute specials you can jump on those quickly.

Key #6) Length of training 
How long can you take off from your profession to pursue your passion? Like any good consultant would answer, it depends. It depends on whether you are looking for a long weekend, a one day seminar, or wrapping a vacation around your training. This is an important factor in choosing a school so compare wisely.


Do You Know All Of The Best Golf Tips?

Do You Know All Of The Best Golf Tips?

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If you do not yet know all of the top golf tips that there are to be found then you had better get a move on. If you want to improve your game that is. There is no better way to brush up on your playing than to make use of some great golf tips. And the best thing about golf tips is that they are so darn easy to find.

You can find hundreds of the best and most popular golf tips on the internet. In a matter of minutes you can have tons of amazing golf tips at your disposal a...

golf, golfing, golf tips, sports, recreation, hobbies

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If you do not yet know all of the top golf tips that there are to be found then you had better get a move on. If you want to improve your game that is. There is no better way to brush up on your playing than to make use of some great golf tips. And the best thing about golf tips is that they are so darn easy to find.

You can find hundreds of the best and most popular golf tips on the internet. In a matter of minutes you can have tons of amazing golf tips at your disposal and most of them will be so basic that you will be shocked at how quickly they will improve your game.

Your game needs to be excellent if you want to be able to rule the links at your home golf course. There is some [pretty stiff competition out there and in order to you to kick butt you need to know all of the latest and best golf tips. By doing a basic search online for some golf tips you will find all kinds from tips to help you improve your swing to tips to help you aim better. You will even find all kinds of golf tips to help you choose the best possible equipment in your price range. We cannot all afford the top of the line clubs so finding out how to make the most of your dollar is one of the best golf tips that you will ever come across.

You should spend more than on day searching for good golf tips. These should be something that you are always on the lookout for, you never know where you will come across some fantastic golf tips. You can get them from your friends who play or from watching golf shows on the TV. It does not matter who or where you get your golf tips as long as they can be put to use in order to make your golf game all that it can be and more.

If you are having some trouble in a particular aspect of your game then ask someone for some advice. Do not wait for good golf tips to fall out of the sky because this does not happen very often. You need to be brave and speak up. If you see someone doing something that you have had trouble with ask him or her how they make it look so easy. This is the best way to get the golf tips that you really need and that will really have the biggest impact on your game each time that you play golf.

You may even want to take a few lessons with your local pros. These guys are full of great golf tips and they are always willing to share. Take some lessons and really pick their brains in order to glean all that you can from them. And when the lessons are over ask if they have any more good golf tips for you to take home and mull over. They might just have some.


Do You Have A One-Plane Or Two-Plane Swing?

Do You Have A One-Plane Or Two-Plane Swing?

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The concept of plane confuses some players. It also confuses some players that come to me for golf lessons. Many are unclear about what it is and what its impact is on your golf swing. Whether you understand the concept of plane or not, swinging off plane is never good.

Focusing on two points—spine angle at address and the position of the left arm on the downswing—clears up the confusion about swing plane and explains its effect on your golf swing and your golf handicap. ...



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The concept of plane confuses some players. It also confuses some players that come to me for golf lessons. Many are unclear about what it is and what its impact is on your golf swing. Whether you understand the concept of plane or not, swinging off plane is never good.

Focusing on two points—spine angle at address and the position of the left arm on the downswing—clears up the confusion about swing plane and explains its effect on your golf swing and your golf handicap.

Several reasons exist for swinging off plane. Picking the club up with your hands or rolling the clubface open during the swing are two. The most common reason for swinging off plane is adopting the wrong spine angle at address, as I've often pointed out in my golf tips,

Spine angle forms the natural axis around which your shoulders should turn at a 90-degree angle. The spine angle you set at address is critical because it decides the shape and plane of your swing. It's the reason why I focus on adopting the proper spine angle in my golf instruction sessions.

If a player tilts too far over at address, the flatter spine angle causes the shoulders to "tilt" during the swing. As a result, your left arm comes off your chest during your swing, your backswing becomes upright, and your swing plane too steep. Fat shots, deep divots, and pulls and slices are symptoms of a steep plane.

If a player leans too far back at address, the more erect spine angle causes the shoulders to flatten during the swing. As a result, your left arm squeezes too tightly against your chest, your backswing becomes flatter, and your swing plane too shallow. Hitting behind the ball, thin shots, and loss of power are symptoms of a shallow plane.

Keep in mind that a taller player has a naturally steeper swing plane than a shorter person does, and a shorter player has a naturally flatter swing plane than a taller person does.

While your shoulder turn and arm swing are related, a good backswing requires a left arm swing that's on a slightly higher plane than your shoulders. This arm angle allows your shoulders to have more of a free passage to the ball on the downswing. If your left arm swing is off, you'll automatically be on the wrong plane with your swing will be off.

Here's a test I use in my golf lessons to tell if a player is on plane with his/her swing. Take a club, assume your normal posture, and swing to the top. Hold that position for a second. Now, loosen your grip and let the shaft fall.

If the shaft hits you on the top of the right shoulder, your swing is on plane. If it hits you on the head or neck, your swing plane is too steep. Conversely, if it falls behind your back without hitting your body, your swing plane is too shallow.

Employing a simple move at the top of your backswing ensures that you're taking the right swing plane as you start into the downswing. As you begin your downswing shift your weight onto your left foot while, at the same time, bringing your right elbow back down to your body. Remember to retain the angle of your wrist as you complete this move. It's the seat of power and the key to maximum distance.

As the weight shifts to the left and the elbow drops down, the club falls automatically into the right slot for the correct swing plane. This movement flattens the swing ever so slightly. It's the ideal position from which to swing the club down at the ball, delivering the clubhead squarely to the ball.

In essence you're actually employing two swing planes to hit the ball correctly, one slightly different than the other. The first comes from executing the correct take away. The second from dropping down your right elbow just before the downswing.

That slightly different swing plane is crucial. It runs right through the correct angle of your spine, the natural axis around which your shoulders should turn, enabling you to deliver a clean crisp blow to the ball with a square clubhead and good power. And that's the goal of all golf instruction on swing plane.

I hope this article clears up the confusion about swing planes. If you work on taking the club back on the right plane and on dropping your right elbow down during your swing, you'll see results. That, in turn, will help you lower both your individual golf scores and your golf handicap.